I Died And An Angel Told Me THIS About The Existence Of Jesus | near death research | nde labs

I Died And An Angel Told Me THIS About The Existence Of Jesus | near death research | nde labs

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  1. Very interesting story. Thank you. I must have missed the part where the Angel told Janet anything about Jesus, as anounced in the title. What was it? I’d really like to know. Anyway, I love your voice and rhe way you tell the stories, so apeasing and gentle. ❤️

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I agree that the world don't know the children of God because we are not of this world and this fills me with encouragement because I never felt like I could mix with anyone in my life. Not even my family.

  3. A large percentage of abductees have said that during their abduction experiences with these greys, if they start praying or call out to God, the experience suddenly stops. So demons or not, whatever they may be, they respond to the name of Jesus.

  4. in 1973 I was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center… More than half an hour passed, then my heart started again… During that time, I "LIFE The Real Self", entered the WHITE LIGHT, and have remained in the WHITE LIGHT to this day… Those who claim to have returned, have NOT recognize WHAT, The WHITE LIGHT really is… When you recognize WHAT the LIGHT actually is, and accept it, you remain in The LIGHT as I have…

  5. Beleivers belong to Jesus Christ….this was a very interesting NDE …I urge everyone to say and learn the Lords prayer. It saved me at the soul and the physical level. I had an NDE shortly after saying this prayer and reaching out God during a difficult time in my life. I beleive my memory was " swiped" but I gained spiritual gifts and abilities and its Bern one crazy ride since!

  6. I think there must be a reading error here. A woman born in 1960 is not likely to be married to someone born on 1926. Should that be 1962? Or did she marry someone 34 years older than herself? That is possible, as she described his end-of-life lucidity at the age of 90. Clearly he died first.

  7. Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of "eternal life" to all who trust Him alone for salvation.
    This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ "alone" for salvation.

  8. "Faith

    Because I have kindness in my heart
    Because I am spreading Dafa [Great Heavenly Law] far and wide
    I stand with the divine in the chaotic world
    Amid elimination, I see the endless sadness and misery of those lacking faith in the divine
    The Creator has shown His compassion and supreme power
    Gods created humans so as to save you back to heaven
    Keep your faith grounded in tradition
    Do not become the demons’ beasts
    Follow the path of the divine, then you’ll be happy and fortunate
    For the cosmos and myriad living things are His creations

    Master Li Hongzhi (from Falun Dafa teachings)