He Saw Fairies After His Near Death Experience – Tyler Deal 446

He Saw Fairies After His Near Death Experience – Tyler Deal 446

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Podcast guest 446 is Tyler Offer who experienced a near-death experience due to a mountain bicycle accident. Through his nde experience …

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  1. Here's a funny thing. My mother was a medium and described very clearly all the experiences your guests describe in their NDEs and for the most part, when I was young, I believed her or at the very least had an open mind. She called the place she used to go the Astral world which again matches the experience some of your guests describe. But there's one thing I just could not believe and that was her belief that fairies really do exist, that was just one spiritual belief too much for me to accept and yet here your guest is telling us, from his real experience, exactly that. So maybe my mother was right after all.

  2. As open minded as I am, I never really believed in fairies, leprechauns, elementals, etc. until I met Lisette in 2002…my fairy friend. She is a wonderful and happy being. It makes sense that fairies showed up during Tyler's NDE since (1) he was in nature and (2) he had been dealing with severe depression. I have experienced that Lisette shows up when I need to be uplifted.

  3. This was a great interview. I too suffer with depression and sometimes do not want to be on the planet. Nature does make me feel more peaceful and connected. Birds, trees, and the animals are my favorite things! ❤️

  4. So glad I watched this. Had listened to this guest's story on another channel and I thought he was talking about " berries" coming out of the trees and dive bombing him, LOL! I mulled over that for longer than I should have.

  5. I've booked a session with Tyler after seeing an interview

    My psoriasis started tingling during the remote healing session with Tyler and it is healing at a massive speed. Also during the session I felt a popping sensation in my neck and immediately the spasm was gone and my headaches are much better, I didn't tell Tyler that I suffer from chronic headaches and neck spasms but he somehow just knew to focus on my neck and spine. And so many more miracles happened during the session.

    Tyler is a true Earth Angel and a incredible Healer. I can honestly recommend him, the session with him literally saved my life.

    Thank you Tyler for the amazing work you are doing.