God Asked Him 3 Questions During His Near Death Experience

God Asked Him 3 Questions During His Near Death Experience

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Podcast guest 201 is Jack Bybee. Jack fell very sick in South Africa and experienced a near death experience. During his NDE experience …

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  1. It only looks like a Greek or Roman temple because of stereotypical conceptions. I have experienced it as layers of multicolored energy, and in another instance as a modern university with wall-sized computer screens, as well as smaller ones, with data encoded in colors and symbols. Keyboards had multisensory keys and symbols and one could scroll back and forth in time.

  2. The ancients real long ago ancients carved info into stone….didn’t cut down a tree. Then papyrus was used from the Cyperus Papyrus the paper plant. The ancients built stone living quarters. They knew the other living things on earth like trees etc. are life with a soul too.

  3. An asteroid is unlikely to cause an EMP. There's some doomsayers speculating that the sun experiences a micro-nova every 12 thousand years or so as our solar system drifts in and out of an electrical dust sheet along the galactic plane, and we're due for another within this century possibly. That, combined with the collapsing of Earths magnetic field would certainly fry all electronic tech and hurtle the entire planet back into the stone age.

    But I've also glimmered here and there (from questionable sources) what seems to be 'shadows cast from the future' suggesting a thermonuclear detonation in Washington DC, which would certainly give an impetus to evacuation of the north-eastern seaboard. Whether such a detonation would immobilize the electrics of all vehicular transport throughout the entire region is highly speculative, though.

    As to what all those love-light entities experienced in NDE's are, Divine or otherwise, They seem pretty much okay with the tsunami of death, destruction and mass-suffering we appear to be headed into. I seriously question the basic narrative that our collective (supposedly voluntary) entrapment in these retarded, over-sexed amnesiac ape-forms, truly has anything to do with our 'spiritual evolution.' If being pressed through various psychological (and literal) meat-grinders actually aided in our souls 'development,' we should have been 'liberated' eons ago. Something isn't adding up here.

  4. Thank you for sharing your NDE story, Jack. I can understand why you turned vegetarian. As I have heard, some NDErs do this same thing. Thank you for your podcast, Jeff. All the best to you both.

  5. This sounds like a sincere and truthful account. Jesus's statement "my message has been completely misunderstood" is in line with the teachings of Islam which are that Jesus (peace be upon him) is a great prophet and messenger sent by God, but not God or the son of God. The Holy Qur'an (God's final testament) states how Jesus is going to return and deny that he ever told his followers to worship him because he is only a servant of God. Details of the conversation that is going to take place can be seen on You Tube etc as "The conversation between Jesus and Allah"
    Peace to all mankind

  6. Well well dude…if soldiers didn’t die for your freedom Nazis would have taken over your country. Fact: there is evil and soldiers when controlled by good can save lives from evil doers…grow up gramps

  7. A beautiful and most delightful person interview!! I appreciate the story of his experience and that of his grandfather! Isn't it wonderful the changes that come to people after their NDE! I should listen to his story every day to try to be a better person!! What good have I done today? Ask and you shall receive!