Are You Psychic? Matt Fraser's Surprising Answer!

Are You Psychic? Matt Fraser's Surprising Answer!

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  1. I can hear (claireaudience) spiritually . I can hear names around people dead and alive. not sure why I can do this. Im also given info about people as I stand near them. I can turn it on and off at will. if someone is asking me or telling me a story that they want an answer for a message will come to me . I also have dreams that come true . Ive also had to deal with a lifetime of paranormal activity around me .that part Im not sure why it happens. maybe because of my abilities. Im no where as good as Matt lol

  2. I know I am .I get very upset right before I hear bad news or something going on some where. I had a dream at sixteen about a car accident .one month later it was a accident exactly like I saw it in my dream,and my uncle and parents landlord was in the accident.

  3. Hi Matt, I'm sure you won't see this, but I will comment anyways. I get DeJa'Vu a lot and sometimes it scares me. It shocks me when the same thing happens, and I have been in that same place same thing happening with the same people that sometimes I don't even know. When I'm in a store or around people I will hear a voice in my ears say that's my daughter, niece, or whatever. Tell her or him and they say whatever. I never do because I feel like maybe it's just me going crazy or they might think I'm crazy. Who knows, maybe I am a little crazy. lol

  4. I receive mental images that must be painted… sometimes, it is a struggle. Each of us is different-almost our 'special chemistry.' I can do the paintings, but not sure how to get these messages seen.

  5. Matt, what if you get all of it, it is right all the time if I pay attention. I have been like this all my life. About 7 months ago I knew I had cancer and have to see the dr. I got tested and sure enough I did have cancer. My oncologist asked me what made me come in, I said I just knew. It happens all the time, we just have to listen to that inner feeling. Pay attention to your dreams as well.

  6. I'm still such a newbie to tapping in, it's been a year but when I started to try to tap in to my psychic abilities I was crossing a one way, two lane road it wasn't busy at all so I started to cross… Something I felt, heard and saw inside of me said there's a car coming the wrong way, you're safe but look around.. this a message that we ( spirit guides) are real. ❤ Among many other signs that were happening as signs. It was such a wonderful feeling. You just have to open up.. I love this advice Matt thankyou!!

  7. I wonder if Matt comes across people in his readings who are Clair’s (different types of psychics). Like, if I got a reading, would he pick up on mine?
    Also, I wonder if it’s some kind of symbolism that in each video he has 3 candles on one side and 4 on the other side.

  8. I know I am!!! I get signs dreams messages from many people. I also get premonitions. I will have a feeling something is going to happen and it does! This happens more often for me than messages and signs. However I’ve not learned to pick up on them and believe them. For example. I had a premonition that my mom was onto pass and I put it out of my mind because I thought it was morbid and horrible for me to think this. Not a month later and she was sick. A month later she passed. It’s frustrating for me because I’ll have these thoughts and not know if to believe them . This has been happening since my childhood.

  9. I have lived with spirit's all my life and can recognize them around. The one thing I do for "stranger" spirit's is tell them they are not allowed in my house. I had supper at a friend's one night and was walking the couple blocks home. I sensed someone behind me but looked and saw no one. I kept feeling it and as I crossed the street I felt like someone was on my back like you would feel giving a kid a piggy back ride. When I got to my house I said I don't know who you are but you can't come in my house. The feeling left my back. The next day my friend called me and said that the man who lived behind her had committed suicide the night I was at her house. I'm not afraid when it happens but I protect my own home. That same house had another experience. I was taking night classes and pulled in my driveway and saw a body hanging from my carport. It only lasted briefly. I mentioned it to a neighbor who had lived in the area for 60 years. She was who told me it use to be a farm in fact my house used to be a chicken coop. She said that yes a man had hung himself when it was a farm. She was at least 85-90 years old and was probably there when it was a farm.