Emergency Guidance from Your Spirits! The REAL Reason You're Experiencing Challenges Now! Kim Russo

Emergency Guidance from Your Spirits! The REAL Reason You're Experiencing Challenges Now! Kim Russo

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  1. I miss Kim Russo so much. I've watched "The Haunting Of" (multiple times) and "Psychic Intervention" last year and need more but she's been hard to find on social media. I just saw her short appearance in Psychic Kids last night, to my surprise, and now here she is!

  2. 38:17 when I go into my coffee shop they always try to beat each other to say HI to me, and when I have to have my coffee delivered they send me notes that they miss me. ❤it’s a wonderful heart feeling that I bring joy to so many people.

  3. I was born with out a religion and do not believe in it either all it does is create is fear, worry, burden other i wasnt put here to feel all this from others sitting in churches taking your donation every week make them rich your left with brainwashing and not living the life you ment to.