During His Near Death Experience He Toured The Other Side

During His Near Death Experience He Toured The Other Side

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This podcast visitor is John Davis. John experienced a near death experience due to an allergic response to anesthesia which induced his …

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  1. I saw a tunnel too during my nde. Only I didn't even go into the tunnel because I wasn't ready so I came back! Then a light appeared to me when I was back in my body. A lot of you are saying how remarkable it is that he can remember his experience in detail. When you go through an experience like this, you don't forget any of the details!At least I didn't. I really enjoyed listening to the story because I didn't cross all the way over during my nde. In a way though, I'm glad I didn't get to see everything that was on the other side because I would have missed it there so much. There's so much he said in this interview that I could relate with. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. WOW!!!!! This is the best NDE experience I've heard yet! I didn't even believe in the afterlife until 18 months ago. My life was miserable before I woke up to all this stuff. I'm so glad I found this channel and others like it. Never have I felt so hopeful. ❤

  3. What an incredible testimony. I know this isnt a recent video but I really appreciated that this guy wasnt on here trying to sell some book or something else, which seems to be what some of the guests on here seem to be doing, it was just him sharing his NDE.

  4. One of the very BEST NDE's yet to date!! I put this right up there with Anita Moorjani and Dannion Brinkley's. I also believe that his experience was no "accident" or mix up. It was probably planned by his Soul pre-incarnation to spread the Good Word! Thank you, Jeff for your podcast series!! Extraordinary!!

  5. Thank you so much for doing this research. My tinnitus impairs my hearing badly . It’s 24/7 and all my adult life . If there’s back ground noise , I really struggle . I have to try to lip read at times and I can’t hear people when they speak as they walk past . The tv has subtitles on . If I get sinuses blocked or my Eustachian Tube I can totally lose my hearing completely. I use a steroid spray as a preventative re sinus blockage but not continuously. I’m getting my hearing test next month at a hospital. Had enough struggling .