Bonnie Piloted a UFO and had 3 NDEs Where She Encountered Jesus

Bonnie Piloted a UFO and had 3 NDEs Where She Encountered Jesus

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This podcast visitor is Bonnie Meyer. In the commencing of the movie we talk about how she took a ride on a UFO lots of many years back and the alien even permit her pilot the craft. For the duration of the previous 3rd of the movie we examine about how she has also had 3 near death experience the place she encountered Jesus. She has even witnessed Jesus though not suffering from an NDE. She determined she ought to try to confirm UFOs never exist. To her surprise following finding out them for a whilst, one particular arrived and hovered over her auto and provided to consider her for a ride. When she refused, they begun to depart and she made the decision this may be her only possibility to be on one so she determined to go.

Bonnie’s YouTube Channel

Bonnie’s Web page

Bonnie is the writer of the textbooks Alien Make contact with: The messages they carry and Unholy Alliance: The government involvement that has transpired, interference and the ways we are tracked.

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  1. So, it sounds like it was not telepathic communication at all… I can buy a lot of things, but not that a blue avian hugs her! Why would they ask her anything, when they read our thoughts, according to others. Not buying a word she says about her encounters with anyone. It’s the only podcast I can’t finish watching. (I thinks she’s seen a lot of Cory Goode & David Wilcock, when they worked together.)

  2. Jeff , see if you got an email notification with my comment on this video…it was censored because YouTube is a freaking joke ! Let me know if you can read my comment via email form….usually every time you get a comment they send an email….either way this woman speaks the truth….

  3. I loved that the guest mentioned Universes. Scientists have yet to discover that there are other universes, as far as I know. However, I could be wrong, perhaps they know, and I just have not yet heard. We are so far from needing to know at this point, I suppose it does not matter. We need to become settled in light and life before we would be anything besides dangerous to other universes.

  4. I have a question and maybe a statement. I am not saying if I do not or do believe this story from Bonnie Meyer. I do want to mention or ask this. Our very own astronauts that have traveled to the moon or the space station etc have to wear space suits for many reasons, including to breathe and oxygen etc., so did the "aliens" or "beings" have a suit for Bonnie? Do they supply suits for all their human passengers? If this is a true story it is outrageously awesome to say the least. And if it's not true.. it's an outrageously wild imagination to say the least!!!!

  5. Interestingly, the abilities the aliens display-like raising vibrational levels and using the mind to heal or to control things, is exactly the same as those that spirits in the higher spiritual planes work.

  6. Why would they not speak of the gov? And also, I don't understand why other beings can intervene in a bad way, even rapping and torturing humans, yet the good ones can't intervene in any way….doesn't make sense