ASTOUNDING NDE: Our True PURPOSE Revealed! BILLIONS Of Questions Answered in an INSTANT

ASTOUNDING NDE: Our True PURPOSE Revealed! BILLIONS Of Questions Answered in an INSTANT

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Remember to enjoy my job interview with Raymond Kinman about his Near Death Experience!


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  1. Thanks Melanie. Raymond seems like a very sweet, funny and gentle soul. And a rockstar all at the same time. His website is really magical!! I have marveled at Disney’s wooden signage before- so cool he is a one of their contractors.

  2. You're nde is you're personal experience, other people who claim to have ndes have their unique experiences, I don't think you're experience is the model and all inclusive, so maybe people did see flowers and tunnels and based on their life experiences and personalities and world view they may view this life as a school. I also believe that nders get to see some aspect of the divine but not everything to base what is true , because they wouldn't be privy to information on the other side, you would need to cross over like God said you cannot see me and live. Nders come back. I enjoyed your story but I didn't like that you dismissed other stories based on your own.

  3. It's so odd because it feels lonely because most people don't get it, or even believe that it happened for real, but it also feels impossible to think you are alone once you've been shown what's happening.

    You end up having to basically shrug and be like, "you'll see I guess"

  4. there are different types of NDE's – his body mind was probably too young to understand a life review etc. my NDE was different. I broke my nexk saw another reality and I got inserted back into the game/simulation by some entities (maternal/medical/paternal/trusted friend/guide all in one) and they told me 'the work is not finished in a voice that is etched into my mind. i came back completely different. i feele like i aged 500 years in one moment and learned so much about myself and life. me now and pre accident are not the same….

  5. It is not that people don't know how to pursue spirtual enlightenment. It is more a matter of not having a reason for the experience. In one case you might be sincere and committed, but it is not part of your "soul contract". In a lot of other cases the commitment in the being is not practical to the experience. People who have NDE's can put a distance between their experience and the spirtual responsibility of wisdom.

    Even if you are able to convince yourself and your guide that you are ready the experience is nowhere near the destination. Wisdom is action and non action laden with simple knowledge. It is nothing special, and who wants to be nothing special for eternity? who wants to live a human life dead to the world? Who wants to be low and orphaned like the waters that pass through the caves? Who wants to die for our sins? lol

    A lot of people ask how to have an enlightening experience, I guess, but half of knowing how to prey is understanding what it is that you are praying for and why no true prayer has ever been denied.

  6. 저는 죄인입니다.
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