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My guest is Andy Sharp writer and multimedia artist who has an MSC in Neuroscience from Kings Faculty. These days we will be …

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  1. does he know the spirits he is messing with? huge human hating spirits of evil hosts, human hating demons,,,,but if you decide to go to hell at death and not be saved in JESUS, they will help u now, but the price,,,,,,,,,

  2. What an incredible guest thanks Jeff Mara for inviting such a thoughtful and intelligent magician to express his beliefs and for giving him space to share such creative insights. I shall definitely be buying his book and finding out more about his philosophy

  3. Thanks a lot Andy and Jeff! I enjoyed that!Everything about life itself is magic! It’s because we are the children of All that is,and creation is our nature. We may have forgotten who we are but we’re none the less powerful for it. Our imaginations,expectations,beliefs,our self assessments(whether we are deserving or not),and our feelings,are all the elements involved in what we are experiencing. Overcoming fear is essential. You need to learn to put yourself into moods. Especially joy,happiness,well being,gratitude,strength,balance,security,love,and deep inner peace. Try to place yourself in these feelings and tell yourself that this is me. We have the freedom of where we place our thoughts. We land where our thoughts take us.

  4. I think religious practices borrow from each other with a twist. Manifesting is a variation of magic and they are very similar to each other it's just the vehicles used to get to the end goal are different. Some people actually believe that manifesting is devil worship and evil, new ager thing bc it is putting more emphasis on self reliance vs being so heavily reliant on God or being so driven by fear based beliefs.

  5. I don't see the title "Magician" as implied superiority any more than a PhD, medical doctor, lawyer, etc. Masters of their craft are superior, experts say. Calling magic for material gain "low magic" isn't superior? Is the necessary food you eat and shelter you seek not material gain?