After Falling Down Stairs, She Had A Near Death Experience and Encountered Angels

After Falling Down Stairs, She Had A Near Death Experience and Encountered Angels

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  1. Thank you Jeff Nd Jacquelin! Fascinating podcast! I’m very interested in her ability to communicate with my two beloved pets who crossed over. Wished you could have brought up her abilities with pets. Thanks again!!

  2. So all these star people live on these wonderful, heavenly planets where they have transcended everything bad and live in perfect harmony?? So WHY would they need anything or anyone from earth? Why breed with us humans who are obviously below them in every way? Why would they want to breed with such an imperfect race such as us humans and literally infuse imperfect, marred, inferior, bad seed with theirs? Doesn't make sense to me, tbh…unless we have something they need (a soul) and they're not telling us the truth about something….

  3. Did she ever think to ask what it was all about? I wish she would next time! What is the endgame here? And what is the purpose of them doing all these experiments on the earth and human race? God IS LOVE. And if they are truly operating from a place of LOVE, then there wouldn't be all of these secrets and experiments done on people in the dark of night, abducting people out of their own beds at night! There is nothing hidden or secretive about God/Love. There is no darkness found in God. Only light! So it's hard for me to reconcile the fact that these star beings are on the up and up when they exhibit so many characteristics to the contrary. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting this lady's experience, I'm just asking an honest question. But no one seems to have the answers! If I knew without a DOUBT that my eggs/DNA was being taken from me on a regular basis by an alien group, I would be asking some pretty important questions and DEMANDING an answer! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY EGGS AND FOR WHAT REASON?! And i wouldn't take LOVE for an answer, because love doesn't operate like that.

  4. Okay this one's really got me confused I really don't know what to think of it. If she hasn't written a book she sure should. I'm not sure if she just had an alien abduction it doesn't sound like she went to see Jesus or his angels. I guess she does have some books she's written. I really did like this one thank you Jeff she's amazing.

  5. So the lesson of love and harmony is good and all that.
    But most of us earthlings don't remember starseed origins. What is the relevance of the information to common people?
    She serves only the people who remember the origin?

  6. I don’t know about sone of these lol, many NDEs over and over , hmmm I’m trying to believe her but kinda hard sorry, what about the and people , why does she get to share and not others, then why would they allow people to see such a place and come back, then they have abilities, if this is the case , why not come back with a cure for cancer or something else, why write books make money, tell ur story and be humble, u wanna reach people all over the world, y not donate all ur money, if u know ur going to heaven with all that bliss and peace, Angels, so Y would God want u to make money, yea i don’t know about these people, angels on ships and star parents , if we die and we’re here to spread love and peace and be kind, y make money and sell things, if ur for God and love and peace and going back home, shouldn’t u not wanna make money and sell things, why pick a few people to experience and expect us to believe them, 40 kids lol, harvesting her eggs, lol come one dude

  7. Great interview, thanks Jeff.
    On the subject of light language…about 40 yrs ago when I was 19yrs old and was at a party, I felt the need to leave the party and go off into the bush/forest beyond the house where the party was and sit alone cross legged and speak out loud what I now know as 'light language'.
    At the time I wasn't even spiritual in any way and ETs weren't even in my conscious awareness, I just followed what I felt I must do and even surprised myself. It wasn't until many years later that I even heard of 'Light language' or 'speaking in tongues' and even to this day, I have no clue as to what I said or why I even did this. The language was similar to what this lady spoke but not the same…I wonder whether people even repeat the exact same words when they speak this language or whether it's different for the same meaning every time. It felt more intuitive to me when i spoke it for about 10 minutes, very random like.

  8. I started watching this channel and absolutely loved it, my doubts started to dissipate, but along comes this and changes everything, it’s just so far out there and the fact that some of these people make a living from their stories and experiences also puts the shadow of doubt in I the only one that feels this way? It’s not that I don’t believe the people that try to help others with their experiences, but when you start going overboard with it, raises more questions in my mind than answers.

  9. I often hear NDEs talk about reincarnation but the Bible does not support that. Even the Book of Enoch does not mention reincarnation, just hybrid giants. If anyone has a biblical reference please let me know.