After Drowning He Felt Whole and Complete On The Other Side – NDE

After Drowning He Felt Whole and Complete On The Other Side – NDE

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Near-death experience visitor 632 is Christopher Wesselingh who experienced a nde experience following drowning in a university pool.

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  1. This was so amazing. Christopher is so wise and humble. He provided some new things even though they are familiar the way he explained them was eye opening. I lived it. So much knowledge and what a humble lovely person. ❤

  2. I loved in the very beginning where he said he felt his mission was an inner mission. Also when he remembered one of his first lives on Earth was as a ball of light. Makes me smile thinking about the orbs that people see… what a beautiful message at the end. Very thought-provoking

  3. Can any of these people that have had an NDE connect and tell us what is happening next in terms of this global stuff? Not one of the ones I have listened to has said anything about it so far.

  4. Realizing I am writing a comment 3 years late, I would like to suggest a progression of experiences and awakening to follow a progression of chronology of events happening for the viewers understanding sake and following. His life event actions proceeds Human unfoldment and people can see how easier to begin their own unfoldment for themselves via a path of self discovery. His life restrictions and breath meditations lead him to most all this perception and shifting of awareness. Fairly confusing how this got presented but quite enlightening.

  5. Thank you for this interview. I totally understand the desire to pursue the understanding of greater consciousness rather than stay with the activity of trying to help people any lesser way. The greatest gift I ever got was connection to Christ consciousness – it is the greatest gift I can share with anyone else.

  6. My ears pricked up when I heard that you were from the South Island. I lived in NZ during 1972-74. I never got to Queensland , but lived in Christchurch and Greymouth,
    and other areas in NZ. I loved NZ and do miss it from time to time. I like NDE stories and yours is very interesting and uplifting. I was a missionary in NZ, but have since dropped much of my religious thought for more of a spiritual nature. Thank you for your thoughts and guidance. Ron Wood (Gold Star Father)

  7. Jeff is one of the best interviewers I’ve ever encountered. He brings such an interesting perspective through his guests but takes a deep step backward and lets them talk without interruption. I love it.