10 Years Old When She Had A Near Death Experience

10 Years Old When She Had A Near Death Experience

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Her daughter was in a dangerous situation on a carnival ride, and she passed out. The girl heard a voice and it told her it wasn’t her time. The mom knew it was the truth.

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  1. Had this happen to me at an amusement park when I was very small. The ride operator told my teenage sister that if I couldn't control my head/neck muscles I would have to get off & because of that she & her bf would have to get off too. That the ride was dangerous to children too weak to keep their heads up. Of course, she was angry at me but held me closer & the ride continued until the end. But the bf didn't get his kiss as he had expected & I became the interfering little sister as per the bf.
    I was sick when I got off of the ride that seemed to go on forever. The older male operator looked at me & my sister in disgust, but later I assessed his look as at her & her bf, & not at me.
    Later we went back & the older operator was gone & they got back on the ride, leaving me on the mid-way alone.
    A man I did not know told me he had been sent by my father who was in the office to find me & to come with him now. I started to follow but realized that was not how my father would do anything like send someone I did not know to bring me to him, & ppl we knew did not keep saying "now" at the end of every sentence. Pushing me to hurry, he came back towards me & told me there was ice cream waiting in the office for me too. He tried to touch me on the arm & I pulled away from him. Scared now & sicker to my stomach than I'd been on the ride. The man seemed to get angry with me & demanded I come with him or he would leave me right here. I walked a few steps towards him but then saw the ride operator & said "Hi!" to him, I saw he was a much bigger man physically than the first one. The ride operator asked me if i was feeling alright & if this man was my dad. The first guy tried to answer for me as he grabbed my neck from behind, The ride operator stood up & towered over this man & said something to him that I could not hear but the man touching my neck removed his hand very, very, very carefully & moved slowly away from me. The ride operator got between us. Suddenly my father was calling my name & running up. I ran to him & he picked me up & held me to his chest where his heart was pounding, the man who had tried to take me to the "office" broke & ran then into the crowd. I quickly lost sight of him. But he was dragged back by 2 uniformed police officers.
    My father shook hands with the ride operator & tried to tell me to say "thank you" to him but I was already there. The ride operator kissed my hand & cheek. Said I was a tough & strong little girl then shook hands with my mother who had arrived, scared to death haranguing my elder sister & her bf for being so selfish.
    My Father died shortly after this happened.
    But more than 5decades after this I came very close to dying myself on an operating table I knew it could happen I was there for a serious reason & honestly I was at a point where I wouldn't have minded it happening.
    But while I was out I saw my Father again & told him how I felt & he took me by the arm tucking it around his & walked me back saying it wasn't my time yet to leave the world. Not yet.