Woman Encounters Her Unborn Children During Near-Death Experience!

Woman Encounters Her Unborn Children During Near-Death Experience!

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This podcast guest is Brooke Grove. She is a Near-Death Experiencer, Integrative Healer, Shamanic Strength Drugs Practitioner and Writer in co-development with Spirit. Brooke has advanced levels in Clinical Psychology, Marital and Family Therapy and Scientific Art Remedy. In addition, Brooke has has article-graduate certifications in Transpersonal Psychology, Eco-Psychology, Meditation and Trauma. #brookegrovende

Simply click below to go to Brooke Grove’s Youtube Channel
Brooke Grove’s Internet site – https://www.brookegrovehealing.com/

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  1. Thank you Jeff and Brooke, great discussion! I would love to see more, perhaps a part 2, because she mentioned changes/ascension/shifts. Please we need more elaboration from Brooke's perspective, what this means and what exactly does this entail? This seems hugely important, you could probably do an entire talk on this one subject, and she mentioned it multiple times here. Thank you!

  2. It was so encouraging to hear medical doctors are seeking Brooke out for information. I never imagined this would happen in this day and age. Brooke's experiences are amazing and make me want to hear more from her. Maybe she will do another interview. Great channel Jeff.

  3. Her intelligence is obvious.

    The most notable information of the interview is that she gives seekers of truth homework, that the age of the outer guru is over. You are the narrow gate that leads to life. You are it!

    Regarding the parlance "being gifted," it is grossly inaccurate. Individuals described thusly are aware, and every soul moves into awareness in their own time. No one is excluded from this psychic, or soul, potential.

    Children who are aware are simply souls who are further along on the psychic, or spiritual, journey. There is no specialness, or giftedness, only awareness. No need to label awareness. Moreover, labeling awareness only distorts truth, reality.

  4. Did she ever mention if she was married and how he felt about what she can do and does he have the same ability I didn't hear that if someone else did could you please comment me thank you.

  5. I've been an ER nurse for a little over a year now and one of my patient's came in with ankle pain. We did an x-ray of her ankle and she had this little metal tubes in her ankle. I asked her when she had ankle surgery and she looked at me like I had 2 heads. She said she had never had ankle surgery. She didn't have any surgical scars on her ankle and even the doctors could not identify what they were. It was fascinating and I'm pretty sure they are implants.