Woman DIES & Got A Message From God During Her NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE

Woman DIES & Got A Message From God During Her NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE

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Near-death experience guest 888 is Jessica who been given a concept from God for the duration of her Near death experience.

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  1. Really love when someone like Jessica changes to lightness and compassion where before they struggled. I wish for her all that is good and continues to fill her with love.
    Thank you Jeff and Jessica, enjoyed listening in.

  2. Thank you for sharing your story 🙂 I am envious of those who've passed. Feel like I've been left behind and they are so happy that they just don't care about me anymore. Not a great feeling. Like abandonment.

  3. Been to the Dark LIGHT LOVE
    Spoke with GOD / I AM
    Years later saw GOD in 3 deity form
    Brother Father Mother inside deity forms
    We are one we are love
    Told my spirit was equal to deity forms
    Light so brilliant

    Message was I AM

  4. I know I’m not the guest, but my name is Jessica and hearing my name said with such welcome, appreciation, and in big letters felt so warm and fuzzy. Going through massive life changes and I hadn’t heard my name uttered with that kind of love in a very long time. It feels like it’s me you’re talking to. Thank you…

  5. Thank you for this interview, Jeff. You always do a great job.

    Jessica, you're a very inspirational person to me. I'm glad you are doing so well in life and I appreciate that you shared your experiences with us.

  6. I wish suffering upon him and her.

    Eternal suffering.

    44 years of hell.

    I hate earth.

    I loathe life.

    I can't stand being here.

    I've had PTSD for 39 years.

    (Maybe even longer…)

    The man whom I revered

    as my best friend,

    he raped my soul.

    44 years of suicidal depression

    with no escape.

    I beg and plead to die.

    Rage and grief:

    rape and torture me.

    I'm in hell.

    He betrayed and abandoned me,

    discarded me like garbage.

    Replaced me for another.


    This was a karmic friendship,

    meant to be there for a limited time (17-months-ish)

    to teach you, about yourself!

    About boundaries, self-love, self-respect, self-worth, etc…

    About a whole plethora of magical, juicy, alchemical things!

    The universe, God, your guides, your ancestors, have pushed you, lovingly,

    in the perfect direction: into your own magnificent magical miraculous freedom!