Woman DIES & Encounters God In The Black Void | Near Death Experience

Woman DIES & Encounters God In The Black Void | Near Death Experience

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  1. Thank you for sharing your experience Leigh. I’ve seen many NDE videos and yours touched and inspired me in the way that it felt like you were talking to ME. I heard what I needed loud and clear and can’t thank you enough!

  2. I am so sorry, Leigh. No one ever should go through something like that, Ever. You can tell you are so bright and highly educated. What a journey youve been on !! They say life and earth are a school room for all of us. I think God took you on a 360° education. Youve learned alot about things other than film, in your quest to find the meaning of life. Your one of the lucky ones, Leigh …youve found the meaning to your life…wow, an incredible journey… It seems there is one goal for all of us, serve others forget self. No matter what you go through. All there is , is LOVE❤

  3. Oh Jeff, Please have Leigh on again, update us on her life journey. Shes quite an amazing woman. I have to tell my daughters to make sure and watch this one specifically….❤ thanks JeffMara podcast – you guys are GREAT ❤

  4. This has been a fascinating video. She has had the same NDE that I had. (Sort of) . She changed her life for the better after the experience and she began to help people. I went from night club singing and bartending to school and then two different nursing degrees. She has it right about love being the most important thing ever. I just wish she would have learned the Way, the Truth and Life. God bless her and again she is right: " This has been a hard life." God bless.

  5. I’m in public .. grocery shopping, while listening to her story and I’m welling up in tears. Her story (not the nde) is my story. She has given me more hope and courage to be me.

  6. I had the personal privilege to be mentored by Leigh. She guided me through some of the most scariest times in my life and led me out of a dark, lonely place. I have nothing but love and gratitude for her and all the tools she shared with me.

  7. Positive Message here is “Stay Heart Centered” The Universe Knows ,focus on The Divine, flora, trees, put your feet (bare) on the earth, feel any tension or stress released. Take some “Conscience “ deep breaths, 4 in and out. Close your eyes. Trust THIS moment Now. So simple, it evades us. Let go… 49:02