What You Should Do On The Other Side & More

What You Should Do On The Other Side & More

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Podcast visitor 811 is our superior pal Aage Nost creator, On-air temperament, seasoned plane pilot, hypnotherapist, UFO researcher and cosmic explorer. Aage is college student of many sciences which include metaphysics, theoretical physics and different varieties and theories of spirituality. He also hosts a weekly exhibit at The Common Consciousness Exhibit.

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:56 UFO News
00:18:46 Communicating with the other aspect
00:27:07 Astral Touring
00:39:54 What Need to You Do If you know you are going to die
00:49:00 What is the most effective way to pray?
00:51:22 Mastermind
00:57:27 Everyday living Extension
01:03:08 Broadcast Group Alpha
01:04:42 Remaining Facts

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  1. Thank you for addressing this issue of “do I go into the light or not?”. Those who subscribe to the conspiracy theory that it’s a soul trap haven’t bothered to consider the consequences of not crossing over (hint: you become an earthbound ghost, ick!!). It’s my experience and opinion that this conspiracy was created by the dark side to mess with us and keep us in fear and bound to earth. If you’re unsure of how to proceed, ask your guides to help you, but don’t go assuming that the lower astral realm is your only other option. That’s a crappy option indeed! Think about it, how come so many NDE’s are NOT guilt tripped and are given the choice to cross over or stay on earth? If it was a trap, there wouldn’t be that choice and the NDE would always be fear mongering propaganda. Most of them are very loving though.

  2. And to contact the other side you have do take and do spiritual bath with flowers and certain herbs and leaves and perfume and cigars and rum and holy water and water from the river and rain and sea and pray over that exilir and light a candel and then take that bath and dress in white and pray to your spirit guide its not gonna happen over night it will take a lil time until you develop your spiritual court and cord they will come into your dreams or in person where they manifest and material at certain hours more than likely at night or that voice in your head.

  3. Jeff let's them speak and drain and spill all the speak. He never interrupts his guess and ask straight to the point question and waits for them to eco back. Shit journalists or interviews need to learn from Jeff mara this guy is an amazing listener like my grandmother use to say in Spanish " en boca cerrada no entran mosca" una boca cerrada hace un celebro inteligente "in a closed mouth flys cant enter" meaning listening and keeping your mouth shut makes a brain inteligent and knowledgeable with wisdom.

  4. Who is this guy? How does he knows about what the government and military is up to? Everything he is taking about is dangerous on so many levels. Word of warning, these things he is suggesting people do are not good to get involved with.

  5. The thing is that the aliens must fire at us before we unite the people of the world.but if they don’t fire at us you know it’s fake and I’ll just go about what I’m doing as if there gonna fool me but they might fool others.but the thing is how many people do really know about this fake alien invasion,if not a lot then where going to call for the new world order and we are screwed.

  6. I ordered some supplements as well as some Gynostemma/Jiaogulan tea balls…thanks to Aage's tips in this video. The tea balls arrived, and it is the most delicious tea I've ever had in my life, on top of apparently being astoundingly healthy, also called the 'herb of immortality ' or 'immortality grass '

  7. The exit of this human race word matrix construct is NOT A LIGHT. The exits are lots of black holes in this matrix! The light catches you to reincarnate you again in this world, with a soulplan from the lords of karma. That's the only purpose of the lights IN THIS MATRIX. The light of the first source of creation, you can only get when you have already left this world construct. Never within this construct.

  8. I disagree when you asked him about the light being a trap.. He said what else is there? Alex Collier, David Icke and quite a few others said turn around, you will see the Universe and you will say I want to go home.. I am now convinced the light is a trap into the reincarnation cycler… We need to learn nothing.. When we are a spirit, we know everything… This Planet is a prison planet.

  9. The Cuban incident occurred in 60 or 61 I lived in Havana at the time
    and remember many people saw the Virgen Mary so what he says is
    a true story is just that it happened a few years earlier.

  10. Well if the aliens come I hope they take the current administration with them. I can’t believe we allowed the government to become so powerful and control the small everyday things we do in life. Definitely overreach. Thanks Jeff and Mara for keeping these shows interesting.

  11. If only the gov’t is saying that a big object is coming towards us and then says they shot many of them down, they’re setting us up for a fake alien invasion via holographic displays (project blue beam) to put us all into a state of fear to lower our vibratory frequency. Their plan would then be to convince us to unite with the gov’t to do whatever they want us to so they can control us.