Waking up at 3:33am is a psychic experience

Waking up at 3:33am is a psychic experience

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Matt Fraser is America’s Leading Psychic Medium, New York Instances Bestselling Author, and star of the strike tv series on E!

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  1. My toddler and infant have been waking me up sometime between 2 and 4:30 every morning since I lost my brother last week but I also noticed I haven’t been able to remember my dreams at all since the day I found out he was gone either. I know he’s at peace but I feel uneasy and lost without him.

  2. My sister passed a month ago, one night I woke up at 1am and I felt so scared and like someone was looking at me. I had to put the light on and later on I felt asleep. I felt the same feeling few days earlier during the evening when I was in the kitchen. Never experienced this before her passing.

  3. Waking up at 230 4am every night for a few years like my whole life I am 62 as long as I can remember even as a child saw magical things as a child and as an adult lately after I fall back to sleep I dream, last one I can remember is I was around people never saw their faces just their hands which glowed pure white light I held hands we were in a circle still never saw the faces but I knew I was alright and was asending peacefully. I let my hands go and in the middle of both Pam’s came out of nowhere a glowing white beam of pure light was a beautiful dream and had it last week. I checked my sleeping with my ifit I sleep light most of the time get up always between 230-4am everynight and I have rem dreaming sleep afterwords my oxygen gets low as I sleep at time no sleep apnea, I can see and se sense and feel much more at 62 in excellerated sense now. I call myself a sensitive, like you

  4. I have 2 things going on 3-4 am – my body starts producing cortisol (morning hormones) and I have a very active dream period shortly afterwards where some of my best communication happens.

  5. I wake up every night at 4:19am, it’s the same time I received a phone call that something was wrong with my father this past March & he passed at the age of 64. Sometimes I get woken up at 3:20 am staying in bed and never can fall back asleep til after 5am