UFOs NDEs and Religion with Peter Panagore 287

UFOs NDEs and Religion with Peter Panagore 287

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Podcast visitor 287 is Peter Panagore and in this episode we communicate about how he chased UFO, NDEs, faith and more. Peter’s …

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  1. Reality is not only stranger than you imagine …. It’s stranger than you CAN imagine. -Terrence McKenna. Peters NDE really captured me and I just love his ufo account . I’m so interested in how much love we are . I have to, long to experience this oneness in this lifetime experience. Thank you Peter thank you Jeff !!! Gods calling us home. Ever noticed how home sounds just like Ohm ?

  2. He finds my Faith Ludicrous and I find his faith in NASA and the Hubble telescope laughable and ludicrous. Also, It’s not about being the most technologically advanced that make us humans the pinnacle, the leadership and caretakers on earth…. It’s what God ordained us to be at creation. I pray he rethinks where he has placed his faith.

  3. I can't get enough of your interviews Jeff. This was definitely a favorite! Peter is entertaining and knowledgeable. I love that he started Not Church. I'm definitely going to check that out. I also love hearing from people who've had NDE's and UFO experiences/alien encounters. As much as I love hearing about Jesus and the light, it makes me sad to think we're the only humanoid species or intelligent life form. Talking about aliens makes me feel more connected if anything, so thank you and keep up these amazing interviews and all of your hard work. I'm loving it!

  4. Though aliens may have been technically advanced than in comparison to humans s, in spiritual awakening, they are far behind from the humans as these aliens were coming to get the mantra initiations from a yogi in West Bengal.
    Secondly all case of abduction or genetic manipulation is about creating a well-proportioned body for aliens themselves, like the way humans have, as we know from the description from the close encounters that the bodies of the aliens still needs to evolve further to attain the same beauty and the grace like humans
    During the twilight hours, immediately after evenings and just before mornings the gods and the Ascended masters/ yogis/ sages can be seen in their  UFOS when they travel in their Vimanas / flying aircraft to different worlds and star systems.
    One can do mental prayers or Mantra Japa and ask them to reveal their Air Vehicles, which usually appear as the dot of bright golden light, moving from north to south or from east to west. These flying saucer  – machines are more easily visible in pilgrim centres and in the lonely areas where the human population is less.
    In India, there is a popular pilgrim centre – Tara Peetha, in the state of West Bengal. There lived a yogi his name was Shankar Kshepa, during his time when Americans landed on the moon, some scientists from Kolkata, who was on a pilgrimage to Tara Pitha, also came to this yogi to pay their respect.
    At that time they told him how Americans have now man on the moon, then yogi asked which moon, scientists replied this moon near the earth, on that yogi said there are many moons of planet Saturn and the other planets.
    Then in the discussion scientist also made statements about the UFOs, for that yogi said, yes I know about them, the beings from those UFOs come to me to get Mantric initiations.
    scientist could not believe it, for that yogi said, stay tonight at my place I will show them to you and he also said arrange some blankets to wrap yourself as it will get very cold in the night, at around midnight it began to get cold and there was the dew formation on the tree leaves and then 2 AM at night there was a hovering craft, a very cold wind was coming from its exhaust pipes (probably cold CO2), it stayed on above the ground over the trees, and from that craft, these three extraterrestrials came down on a beam of light, among them two were new who wanted to get initiation and the one was an old visiter who already had a mantric initiation long back, they conversed in a language which was only known to this yogi.
    After this initiation they all left the same way they came, when the craft was hovering, then through the windows many other extraterrestrials were looking out, according to the disciple who was present at this time, said they all had the same kinds of shapes and features which are shown in the UFO books, documentaries and the movies based upon these aliens.
    When the craft left so the coldness in the atmosphere was also gone. Language according to this yogi was similar to Sanskrit alphabets which are written according to the system of the binary code, so if a yogi has a deeper knowledge of this binary code of Sanscrit language that person can converse in any language of the universe. 
    This event has been narrated in the chapter about Haridas Baba in the book – Gurus of India by  Sujansing Uban. These crafts of the sages and the seers can be seen if one does prayers or mantra Japa  – chanting to them ask them to show their Vimanas,  and if masters are pleased then that person might see dots of bright lights in the sky moving from North to south or from east to west. Chances of seeing such Vimanas are higher at secluded places and at pilgrim centres.
    In this book, it is described that the guru of saint Haridas Baba has been travelling to different places in the universe in his flying saucer. Gurus of India by Sujansingh Uban.

  5. There are also USOs, underwater UFOs located near Navy bases. There are many witnesses, including the Navy men of the Nimitz. An NDE experiencer asked the Creator if aliens exist and the Creator showed him many aliens until he asked the Creator to stop We are souls having experience when here on earth having experiences and when we are pure consciousness we understand that religion is a human concept. The growth of the human soul is important to the Creator. Love this podcast Jeff.❤️

  6. Congregationalist, United Church of Christ was my New England Protestant upbringing. It’s from the Pilgrims. Does Peter have any knowledge of Jesus being an Essene? Qumran, Dead Sea Scrolls? Jesus schooled at Qumran. The Essenes were Mystical and connected with Angels. Read Dolores Cannon’s book ‘Jesus and the Essenes’.
    Nazareth + Essene = Nazarene
    OMG, my son works in San Francisco and we just learned there are ships buried underneath San Francisco. Now, I’m learning something very ancient is in a cave. This is an incredible interview. Thank you so much. I’ll keep an eye out for the Crystal Balls that were dropped here in New England!

  7. I really love the way that Peter, says that he was not judged by God as in the sense of somebody else but more the point that he was judged by himself, because the thing that gives me great happiness is that there is a place where we each individually are running on all 8 cyinders so they say, a place where we are our selves God, because if we all have a little bit of God in us, the holy spirit, then that little bit is almost, too much, BUT not too much in a bad way I mean almost too much in a good way
    "NOTHING CREATED OR NOT CREATED IS BIGGER THAN GOD", so if each of us has a little iddy bitty bit of God in us then it is my understanding that we are all pure god, or "I AM", as is known to say of one's self, now to be able to see for ourselves how we have hurt other people means that by us judging ourselves we can get away with saying to ourselves myself as an example ("Now come on David you can do better then that mate, because look what you are capable of doing you are so special that you can do anything mate, all we need to do is put ourselves in someone elses position"), & so being god with in our perfect selves, we can put ourselves in that point, I understand that if things can be negative in life then they can be opposite & equally in a positive aspect too as well, my example is,

    if in a negative way just say hypothetically you were to hypothetically become positive for a virus, please understand I mean no disrespect what so ever I am just for lack of a better discription or understanding trying to show what I believe is the positive polar opposite of a negative sittuation, even though one discription is a physically medical one & the other is a physically spiritual one,

    if one was to become positive for a virus You wouldn't say or think or express

    " Well I am 10 parts per million positive to this or that, if you got a virus, you would be "fully positive" to the virus, wether or not you felt well or unwell, even if cureable or not,

    well for my polar opposite example I would try to also express that if you had been given just the most smallest "almost" undetectable amount of the holy spirit, lets just say in terms of maybe weight, opposed to your total body weight, because they say upon death after a certain while the body becomes ever so slightly but detectably lighter this is apparently the spirit, soul leaving the body, so my understanding is what I believe is that if you are "Positive for God as in the holy spirit" you are 100% the holy spirit , 100% God,

    but whilst on earth the part that is experiencing life through your particular eye's, is the part you are experiencing if your parents just happened to particularly be your parents, which by this I mean that at multiple times & points across the universe we are "simaltaniously & individually" experiencing different aspects & facets of life all at the same time,

    my money example is easier for me to explain sort of, for example lets just say for an example that GOD is = to one million dollars, just for an example, if this for one moment can be imagined then it stands to understanding that wether or not that particular one million dollars equaling GOD would not matter if it was in one entire sum, like a cheque or in many small denominations, if that entire one million dollars was divided up into single one dollar bills, then the value of all these one dollar bills still amounts to the entire sum of GOD, or one million dollars,
    My point being that EACH SINGLE ONE OF US IS THE SUM OF OUR COLECTIVE VALUE we are all apart of God , the holy spirit each of us as example if we are all those individual dollar bills, God is worth far more than the discriptive words that I possess, but for a simple mans explaination please understand that I mean no disrespect to any people faith or God, but I was just using what examples I am able to messure by,

    peace love & happiness to all & as many, & to anyone experiencing any pain what so ever please, I am hoping for the most barest most minimal amount of pain that is required to be experienced, not every day is a happy one but every day we are still here we have the potential to refine & get to know ourselves a little more each day, from the day we were born, until the day we find out why we were born.

  8. I like that he described how the word God conjures up certain descriptions in our culture, exactly one of the reasons I also rarely use the word, I tend to use Source most frequently. He has a deep understanding of mysticism, a most interesting guest.

  9. Jeff I just found this today, however, I would like to thank you for your work at this time, late as I might be, I – and I'm sure many hold you dear and appreciate your work and kindness, peace and blessings are sent to you from here. bye for now!