The NDE that Will Change Your Perception of Death: A Pastor's Astonishing Experience | nde stories

The NDE that Will Change Your Perception of Death: A Pastor's Astonishing Experience | nde stories

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Welcome to Unusual Stories the place we share individual accounts of near death experiences, out of body experiences, and other incredible phenomena!

Here, you are going to obtain a huge variety of stories from individuals who have had these outstanding experiences. From people who have appear back from the brink of death with tales of their encounters with the afterlife, to individuals who have experienced out of body experiences or encounters with spirits or angels, we’ve obtained it all included.

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  1. The darkness is bad very bad. God is light, and in Him there is NO DARKNESS! Don't let the Enemy deceive you.
    1 John 1:5-8 King James Version
    5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
    6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
    7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
    8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

  2. In re: Childhood sexual molestation—The taboo is NOT in the action, it is in talking about the action. The child will not be believed. Then if believed, he/she will be blamed for it OR be chided if he/she talks about it to others. 40% of childhood molestation victims are boys.

  3. Some people think the darkness is bad but did anybody ever think God let's us experience the dark first as if in the womb and not be overwhelmed by the light right away? That's why you read a lot of the nde's stating they see a pin point of light in the distance that they are drawn to. Maybe some are in the light immediately because God knows they won't be overwhelmed and can handle it well.


    It doesn’t matter where you live, what race you are, or what your religious beliefs are, inside all of our mortal bodies are beautiful bright souls. Upon leaving our bodies at the time of death, our souls expand back to their original true size and shape, which is much larger then our earthly bodies. I’ve heard on multiple occasions that when we arrive from the spiritual realm, going back into our physical bodies is like being stuffed into a small suitcase that feels like a cold wet rubber scuba suit.

    We are immortal, spiritual beings of energy and light whose supposed to love and cherish each other and do when on the other side. You’ve just forgotten who you are and where you’re from and that we are one collective source of energy from a different realm and dimension. Your consciousnesses and your soul are one in the same.

    Earth is NOT your true home and the ‘real you’ wasn’t born here. The place your consciousnesses goes when you die or cross over, as some like to say, is going back to your ‘real home’. It’s simply a matter of closing your eyes here and reopening your eyes there, It’s an instantaneous process.

    Every human on the planet will all eventually see what I’m saying is absolutely and undeniably, 100% correct and true. I know it’s hard to wrap your mind around this knowledge but one day you will all see that every person on this planet comes from the same realm of existence and have been around since time immemorial. All of us are one collective energy source, think of yourself as a raindrop and everyone else as the ocean, all together we are one.

    You have lived many, many lifetimes through reincarnation, hundreds or possibly thousands of times. More than likely, you have been every race, gender and lived from every time period. Again, you are immortal and have died many times throughout history. We are not here by chance, each of us asked to come here and with the help of our spiritual guide, had our life preplanned.

    When the time comes for your soul return to earth, you and your soul guardian (Spiritual Guide) will pick your life’s blueprint of what you’re going to do and accomplish, including even who your parents are going to be. Your aren’t meant to remember this in your life on Earth, but discover these lessons throughout life and on your own. If everyone was just told what they had to do, or easily remembered, you wouldn’t be able to properly get what you needed out of life. I heard from a gentleman who died and was given a message that ‘Earth is not a courtroom, it’s a classroom’.

    The core learning for each soul, is the ability to love one another and show compassion for each other. Until this is learned by each and every one of us, we will keep having to come back over and over again until it is learned. So please, please start now. For each of us, once you have accomplished this, you will only need to come back if you want to, and if you feel like you lack in some other area of your life.

    We are spiritual beings having a physical human experience, not physical beings having a spiritual experience. If you need any other perspective or guidance, watch the episodes called: (The Ghost inside my Child), and NDE’s, (Near Death Experience) testimonials. A lot of these are on Youtube, but you can also find some on the premium’s as well. I watched complete episodes of ‘Ghost’, on Prime. All the NDE episodes, I watched on Youtube. Watch as many of them as you can because you will get a broader, more detailed understanding of what it’s all about and what’s to come. God Bless You.

  5. I don't know if you are cutting the stories short or what. But 90% of the stories that you are telling don't make sense. Yet they sound like they're coming from decently intelligent people. The storyline doesn't even follow so if you're cutting out part of the story that you're literally ruining somebody's story

  6. Best part for me was from 10:15 because he talks about what he learned. Love, love is everything & to learn to love others even the ones we think don't deserve it. Jesus loves us all. Jesus hasn't ever made anyone who He himself didn't love.

  7. 180mg WHAT???? I was shot in the foot with a shotgun and subsequently, days later, had my right lower leg amputated. All I got was 10mg of Oxycodone every 6 hours at the hospital and 20 pills of the same when I was booted from the hospital 2 days later. It's now 2 weeks later and I sleep maybe 20 minutes to an hour in a 24 hour period b/c my pain is so bad. God forbid you tell a doctor about your extreme pain and well, you're considered an addict even though you are someone who doesn't even drink alcohol.

  8. One morning I had a dream where I heard – Til the end of book 6. When I went to ponder it, I heard – Revelation 6 then I saw in lettering – Rev 6.
    Oct 26, 2020, I heard – Biden Harris
    July 31,2021 I heard – Stay in the Word.
    Aug 1, 2021, I heard – Do not fear what is coming.
    Aug 9, 2021 – Surge. Isolate.
    In 2019, I heard – famine and plague.
    Jan 26, 2021. Heard – War is coming Shawna. Better prepare. Prophesy.

    On around or on Mon Nov 21, 2022, I heard to read Psalm 37 in Dec 2022, then on Feb 9, 2023, Psalm 46.

    In April 2019, I heard – Tell them I am coming soon. Later in the day I heard: There will be a great shaking. When I didn't tell a particular church about it, I got a dream where I was scared. I could hear myself saying: I'll tell them, I'll tell them, I'll tell them. Then I saw a person in the dark with well lit church windows behind him and another person dressed in white walking behind him and up some stairs.

    April 9, 2021, my vision went black for a quick moment, and then I saw in gold letters – Thus saith the Lord. About four hours later, April 10, during my sleep I heard – Prophet. Tell them I am coming soon. Maybe 3-5 min after that, at 1235 AM, our area had a 3.1 eq.

    Dec 20, 2021. I had a dream of an eagle on a power line. I was standing below and looking up at the eagle as it sat there, calmly, looking around. Then it started to morph into a dragon. Then I was above that dragon looking down at it with its wings spread open. I could see the black veins in the right wing.

    I was in QFC one day and a song caught my attention. I believe the Lord wanted me to hear it. It's called – Get Closer by Seals and Crofts. (also look at lyrics). Supporting scripture – James 4 vs 8 and Zechariah 1 vs 3.

    On Aug 27 at about 313 AM, in my somewhat sleep, I heard – He’s bringing the rapture at the speed of light. Scripture verse 1 Thessalonians 4 vs 17

    From nineplanets I read a bit on the speed of light. Saw this: We know that nothing can surpass the speed of light, at least in theory. If you’d have the power to move with the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second.

    Jesus is the best love ANYWHERE!