She Had A Near Death Experience After a POISONOUS SPIDER BITE!

She Had A Near Death Experience After a POISONOUS SPIDER BITE!

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This Podcast guest is Denali Veda. She had a near death experience soon after a spider chunk from a brown recluse spider. Denali’s …

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  1. I believe this was an obe and I was buying the whole story until she started spouting some far out stuff that has been predicted by some far out new age people towards the end of the interview; also as soon as she started talking about the chiropractor with the "demon" that was it-end of story! There are no demons- what appears to be a demon from a person is merely their own negativity, it is not a separate entity! Now I'm questioning her "angels" since she said they are the ones that told her he had a demon! There's a lot of theatrics out there and people pay money to get the so-called demons removed, really sad.

  2. Curious to know how at the first instance did you get to know it is a spider bite and not any other bugs. We can also benefit by knowing details of a spider bite since it is very rare.
    Also this does not seem an NDE at all since Denali did not go through any of the experiences out of the many which other NDErs go throgh on the other side.
    Understand each one can be different or bit less Than others, but here she just got through the tunnel and came back.
    That was just a dry run.

  3. Thanks a lot Denali and Jeff! That was good. I believe that I got bit by a brown recluse before too. I don’t remember getting sick but it was on the back of my right hand and there was this little white crater that was really white and wet, and it took months and months to dry up. I’ve been bit by centipedes at least five times,three of which was while I was sleeping.

  4. I had my spiritual awakening in 2018 after an evil narcissist family ghosted out on me. It was crazy and no one would believe what happened to me. It opened my eyes to everything and everyone’s agendas and it has made me sad but more knowledgeable.