She Died & Brought Back Comforting Messages From Heaven – Near Death Experience

She Died & Brought Back Comforting Messages From Heaven – Near Death Experience

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  1. This World is not hell, but its the closest thing there is to hell. Hèaven is all the good you see in this World amplified one thousand times. And hell is all the evil you see in this world amplified one thousand times. There is no water in hell.

  2. Jeff, I want to thank you so much for this beautiful woman with such a vibrant soul that brings the glorious message that our loved ones who have passed before us are free and having the best day of their life. My sweet Jilly, just left us and I miss her so much. But I know she is sailing universes, is free of cancer, and pain. She isn't suffering, she is right over there to my left, where heaven is, with a smile on her face. Thank you for bringing us words of faith and hope and peace so that our time here is lightened. I appreciate you and your beautiful wife Mara. Thank you for your commitment to your service to humanity, helping us all get by with a little more love. Thank you for the sunset! We all needed that! God Bless You!!

  3. Something is really off about this story and it seems that I’m the only one in these comments who sees that. I’ll never believe that we all go to Heaven no matter what we do and that this is Hell. To me that’s so absurd. But at the same time I also know that everyone’s NDE is not the same. (Which is also strange to me)

  4. My son Died and he told me that Yahshua showed him that my youngest son and his wife are in hell but they are still living at the time. He was so emotional He had my whole attention was on every word he told me .He seen his grandmother and grandfather whom he had never seen a picture of ,but he told me what they looked like and he described them to me .He also seen his dad who had passed a couple of years before my sons health problems .Yahwehs sent him back to us .The doctors said that he is here by the grace of Yahshua nothing that they did would save him. Praise the Lamb of Yahweh.

  5. Btw my daughter was born on july inky dink.we have lot in common .too bad we're so far apart..i want to share w u my version of the over used Have A Nuce one really hears that any more..i say, "i hope everyone is sweet to you" They are usually taken aback and realize you do really wish them well. It feels good. I followed you on FB..dont want to be a pest but would really like info on getting a reading… hopefully i m still alive. Love marcia in modesto ca..i hope everyone is sweet to you ! everyone here! Xo