Powerful Live Channeling Of The Judah Collective – Anjie Hipple

Powerful Live Channeling Of The Judah Collective – Anjie Hipple

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Podcast visitor 827 is Anjie Hipple and currently she channeled Judah reside in the course of this video clip. Anjie is a very-partaking inspirational speaker with 30+ yrs of experience as a women’s team chief and recording artist. It is her honor now to channel Judah, regarded as the “Oprah Of The Cosmos,” who invites in a veritable A-Checklist of larger- dimensional beings (these kinds of as the Archangel Michael) to be a part of in the discussion about human enlightenment, awakening your electric power, and spiritual wisdom from beyond. Judah is a collective of all over 350,000 angels who transfer jointly and operate together as one particular unified currently being, much like a swarm of birds you might see in the sky. They reside mostly in the fifth dimension, but they are capable to journey inter-dimensionally involving the heavens and the earth and set up associations with people today like myself and you, and also with cosmic beings from many, quite a few, a lot of various sites, all the way up by means of to the 12th dimension. Judah is inviting the most beautiful, unbelievable good friends to this celebration and earning these wonderful introductions! And we are continuously conference stunning beings that are altering our life.

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  1. I hope the usa fails… the usa is the name of the corporation in Washington dc… it’s the name of the corporation, not our country… I’m an American state national…. Because us citizens are us property… us citizens are us property……….it’s how they get jurisdiction over you……. Only one who has jurisdiction over me is god…….

  2. Why is it we would still need a 'leader' in the higher realms, it intimates an inequality that would still exist on higher dimentions. Will we ever reach a place where 'leaders' are no longer needed?
    A place where we are all leaders in our own right.

  3. If these amazing beings are being channeled by people who claim to be channeling them – then why are the messages they reveal so underwhelming? They are so predictable. Where are the messages that are just "out of this world", spectacular, new, incredible, knowledge?

  4. Come on Jeff she started off pretty non-toxic the minute she started to channel she looked up to Abraham Hicks the biggest fraudster of the mall call Chuck believe that crap if you want to but it just isn't true

  5. This is kind of astonishing to me because I feel like I channel from a clarisentient / conscious state as well. The beings I have encountered give me a name, but it is understood that it is only as a tag that I can identify their energy with so my mind can consider them an individual "person."

    The beings I've encountered loosely consider themselves as angels in the concept of their intention, vibration, and function as a messenger from the "heavens."

    They say that the realms they call home would be considered "heaven" from my perspective but that no place as such exists. They express to me that "heaven" is more of a concept than a place. We could interpret many realms as a type of "heaven" where the vibrations native to the plane are what we would consider to be "angelic."

    Anyway, it is interesting that an established channeler echoes similar sentiments to my understanding. It helps to validate my experience.

  6. I don’t believe in spirits but I do think channeling is a psychological phenomenon of consciousness and connecting to your own subconscious and so I think the beings being channeled are thought forms or tulpa that is created by the mind. She is channeling Judah and Judah is from the Bible and is one of the 12 tribes of Israel and Jesus is the lion of Judah in the book of revelations talking about the end of days . So she is still connecting with her religions mind on a subconscious level.

  7. Sincere respect to her. I believe in life after death, but channeling is not posible for me to do here. There must be a inmaterial or spiritual being to another. For me. But anyone can believe what they want.

  8. Its amazing how everytime I listen to these different channels energy starts coursing through my body every single time. I don't know why that is but my belief is It's as if my soul through the vibrations are confirming what is being downloaded through the mediums. ❤

  9. I know the thought is angelic or guidance from guides, because the thoughts are repetitive, and even when I question the thought, it continues and does not go away until I except it as truth. I have tested it, and should not be surprised when the thought or knowing comes to fruition. I do question all of these thoughts as a form of discernment, so I know the difference between my thoughts or divine thoughts from the divine realm. It all started when I started seeing numbers in 3’s or 11:11 years ago.

  10. Like others express below, it is essential that we "test the spirits," to see whether there is any real spiritual wisdom. What I hear here is largely human opinion, and that of a very unoriginal type. Much of what is expressed here for me falls into the category of "spiritual bypass," which means using supposed "spiritual" insights as ways of bypassing the genuine challenges and mysteries of life. I have come to the personal conclusion that any real spirituality, like in the life of Jesus and the Buddha (and many others), will be very concerned with eliminating the conditions that cause suffering among human beings. Yes, suffering, as opposed to pain, is largely a mental construct and can be minimized if not eliminated even if the outer conditions of one's life remain the same. Nevertheless, it is the suffering that people inflict on each other that spiritual masters always speak against, and seek to eliminate. Think poverty, hunger, homelessness, and the like. If you want a good model of this in current news, I'd look to Dr. Cornel West. Out of his deep and genuine spiritual conviction and wisdom, he seeks to lift as many of his fellow men and women out of the conditions that are causing them suffering. Any supposed spirituality without this kind of social commitment is just not real, or it is not very evolved.