NDEr Says We Are At The End Of The Simulation! #shorts

NDEr Says We Are At The End Of The Simulation! #shorts

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This is a preview for podcast 756 and the Near-death experience guest is Franco Romero and we talked about his near-death …

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  1. There are those of us here for the ascension and there are those here just for 'just' another incarnation growing and evolving at a much slower pace – I don't think it's helpful to see them as extras or npcs, in fact, we are here to assist as many of them as possible.

  2. This is lies.
    Read the Bible. Don't be led astray by the lies, the chaos, the darkness, Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Not one of you, not one person on earth is an extra. You were created and you are loved ever lasting by the Lord. God's thoughts towards you are countless and good, His Plans for you are good to prosper you and give you a hope and a future. Call out to Jesus He is waiting for you. He did it all. Just receive.

  3. Extras?? I disagree 100%. Many, including myself 'volunteered' to come to earth, to help others connect with love. The 'extras' as I see it/feel it, are clones. Clones have no soul and are created by dark beings, to continue in their last ditch effort to cause confusion, doubt and disbelief.

  4. What would this guy know? What has he been reading to come to such a conclusion that seems to go against the nde of mellon thomas benedict and other peoples experiences of seeing all souls drawn back to the Light….over time…

  5. Many of them can secretly fly and can only be described as supermen. How fast you may wonder? Between the speed a Cesna and a rock falling from the top of a tree. Birds just shake their heads and can't believe the speed.

  6. I was told when I was 5 years old outside by myself by a strong male voice in my head that I was going to witness the end of this world the way we know it. That was 71 years ago. I never was contacted again that I know of, but I saw a good deal of UFO's throughout my life.

  7. Maybe the ‘end’ he’s referring to is actually the end of an epoch. The end of the age of Pisces and next will come the age of Aquarius? Or in Hindi terms, the end of the current yuga cycle.

  8. an American astrologer and mathematician called Tadman worked out in the late 1980's that between the years 1950 and 2000, more people will have been born than throughout the entire history of mankind on this planet . i was there at his talk and he explained it well!

  9. I've no idea what I am, other than awakening more each day… And a piece of the Great all… But am I am NPC or awakening soul? Shrug how can anyone truly know? Does it matter? Aren't we all simply playing our part in this game
    … and "what is, is"
    is the only truth??
    I love Jeff's NDE interviews, but most of them say that we are all equal and all important and all have an integral role in this whole thing – so I guess that means even the NPCs are important in the great plan or awakening… So why not accept the mystery? Who cares what role we're playing – just get busy loving living loving loving and letting go of anything that thwarts that?
    I don't know, I really don't
    Therein lies my simple bliss

  10. I don't buy his opinion. We are all here to experience life and not here to wait for the end of the world, that takes away from your life now. We can die tomorrow for whatever reason, so waiting for the end of the world doesn't make sense. Christians have been looking for the end of the world for thousands of years, we are still here. Because this man had an experience doesn't mean it will come true.