I Saw My Grandpa With THESE People In The Afterlife | Youtube nde stories

I Saw My Grandpa With THESE People In The Afterlife | Youtube nde stories

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  1. Weird, another NDE video I watched a couple days ago had Jesus saying it didn't matter what you believe and one that said there's no judgment. This is just Roman Christianity. Saying you have to believe in Roman Christianity to get into heaven is pretty ridiculous, considering it's rather common knowledge that it's based on Roman mythology. Constantine made Sunday the Christian holy day, not Jesus or YHWH. Does a Roman Emperor have authority to change the sabbath to match the holy day of the Roman deity Mithras? Who gave him that authority, Jupiter?

  2. Sounds made up by a Christian, they're making up NDEs now to promote Roman Christianity, it's their new sales gimmick, makes it seem more credible than jus an ancient book. If what the NDE writer said was true it would mean God imitated the birth of Romulus and Remus, which seems an odd thing to do, unless God is Mars.

  3. 제가 여러 차례 말하지만, 이거는 공식이에요.
    누구 명분이 옳은지는 상관 없다.
    누가 강자이느냐가 중요하다.

    이거 공식이라고요.
    누구 명분이 옳은지는 상관 없었어요 여태.
    지금도 그렇고 지금도 ing고 과거에도 그랬고 늘 그랬어요 정말.
    누가 강자인지가 중요합니다.

    제가 지금 초을이되서 제 명분이 옳은데 제가 뚜까맞으며 살고 있어요 지금.

    여러분이 만약 반에서 가장 이쁜 여학생이라고 가정을 해봐요.
    님은 누구도 넘볼 수 없는 그런 킹카라고 가정을 해봐요.
    그런데 님 전 남친이 성관계 영상을 유포해서 ㅈ밥이 됐어요.
    웃음거리가 됐어요.
    수치스럽고 치욕스러워서 진짜 억울하고 기분 ㅈ같겠죠?
    제가 느끼는 감정적 스트레스가 이거 이상이라고요.

    저 정말 육체적 고통으로도 충분해요?
    왜 거기에 정신적 고통을 더하냐니까요?
    왜 그 정신적 고통 8000에 300을 또 더하냐니까요?

  4. He would have been securely on working in high places. If he fell several stories, he would be severely injured eg many broken bones yet no mention of this. The whole story appeared contrived to exploit the gullible. Sorry I am not buying