I Died, Got Out Of My Body And Learned THIS | nde labs

I Died, Got Out Of My Body And Learned THIS | nde labs

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  1. Happy New Year everyone! Choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour this new year! Life is so short on earth but eternity is forever! Please choose Jesus! JESUS LOVES YOU! John 3:16, Revelation 20:15, 1 Corrinthians 15 1-4 Don't wait until it's too late!!!!

  2. kürzestes, aber sehr effizientes atem-gebet:
    nase-einatme mit gefühlgedachtem CHRIS-, ausatme lang mit leicht geöffnetem mund mit -TUS. E R = archetyp der absoluten liebe + des wahren+höheren selbst (nicht ego), aktualisiert zu erleben in den authenischen, lebenswendenden nahtod-berichten.

  3. We have a body and our own individual spirit. When our body can no longer function the spirit leaves and we call it dying, Without our spirit we have no life. The animals also have a spirit and live on after death. I have had my dead cats come to me in dreams. One such dream my #2 Siamese cat came to me all excited about something, passed out of my vision then I saw a cat sitting and looking at me. I didn't recognize her at first then I saw yellow markings by her ears and knew who she was. it was Fluffy a cat I had when I was a little girl then woke up. I am now 80 years old.
    We also lived in pre mortal life. Heavenly Father is the Father of our spirits. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one in mortality who's Father was Heavenly Father. There is a lot more about all of this but I won't go into it now.

  4. (Among other things) These people claiming to be 80+ yrs old here on this internet commenting really make this content sketch af…… how are there multiple??????? Since when are 80 year olds on the internet im so confused……

  5. It would be so nice to have a healthy body, like in the thumbnail. When I died briefly, before EMS came, I got to have one for a few beautiful moments. I was allowed to stay, but when I found out my daughter couldn’t come too, I came back.

  6. Interesting but there have been some great studies conducted and I was recently listening to Dr Melvin Morse who set up a very good one in a Seattle hospital and of course Professor Peter Fenwick, so the medical and scientific community are now a bit more open at last.