Buried in the Backyard | Matt Fraser Psychic Medium

Buried in the Backyard | Matt Fraser Psychic Medium

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Matt Fraser is America’s Leading Psychic Medium, New York Moments Bestselling Writer, and star of the strike television collection on E!

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  1. My dad and I promised that we would always communicate. I want to know for sure. I just lost my mom 8 months ago unexpectedly too. I don’t know what happened. I just would love to connect with both of them. ❤️

  2. I’m amazed the people don’t act amazed!!?? They’re just sitting there with straight faces through most of the reading. My mouth would have been open & eyes wide with what Matt was verifying!

  3. unbelievable!!!!!, but after you are not involved in this whole process, you cant just go live with matt, you have to schedule this long time before, so in the mean time things can be looked up…. If this is not the case, this is really really unbelievable!!!!!

  4. Yeah… After watching this video for a second time, it appears to me that the lady in the middle was probably the deceased man's daughter and NOT his wife. I say this because of the way she reacted when she was addressed as "his wife" by Matt at the end. Twice, she whispered into the son's ear after being called wife.