I Died And Saw THIS In Garden Of Eden | Youtube nde stories

I Died And Saw THIS In Garden Of Eden | Youtube nde stories

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Welcome to Peculiar Tales exactly where we share personal accounts of near death experiences, out of body experiences, and other amazing phenomena!

Below, you are going to locate a vast variety of tales from individuals who have had these unbelievable experiences. From these who have arrive again from the brink of death with tales of their encounters with the afterlife, to those people who have experienced out of body experiences or encounters with spirits or angels, we have got it all lined.

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  1. I like the first story i can also remember when i were born my dad carried me out of hospital i remember the wind was blowing viciously it was august in south africa but i felt so safe and warm and content in my Daddys arms. People look at me as if im crazy when i tell this but ive heard about others also so its not impossible.

  2. Story No. 1 I to have had something about the same. I was still born, saw myself from the ceiling in the delivery room, next thing I know I'm in heaven and see many wonderful things. I believe you and what you say you saw and heard.