Boxer Has Near Death Experience & Sees Himself In A Casket!

Boxer Has Near Death Experience & Sees Himself In A Casket!

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Near Death Experience guest 874 is David “Nino” Rodriguez, American Heavyweight Boxer that was formerly ranked 13 in the …

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  1. Nino's face looks perfect — I would not have known about the knife incident if it had not been spoken about. So-called friends are not true friends if they walk away. The coffin was an alternate possibility which was not chosen from free will. There is a life purpose for Nino's being here. He is a gift from God for so many through this testimony. As a pure alpha male he will be heard and listened to by other guys who will look up to him. If he saves even one life his own life is a treasure. His story rings of pure truth. We can live in more than one time line — as many as twelve I have heard. I hope Nino will learn to love himself more. God made him exactly as he is for a reason and loves him unconditionally. He is a true winner in every respect. He wears God's Face. Inter-dimensional beings are God's children too. We are all one.

  2. DAvid is a beautiful man and soul. I love his transparency and honesty and loving heart. Thank you so much for having his here so we all can follow and know him more. Blessings and gratitude!

  3. That's interesting.. it is as if… a time line of "a boxer" had to die… and when it concluded there was one but not the other.. which would be fascinating if we all have not only a "time" but those that are resonant with us in particular can or would most likely have the same experience or outcome.. but there is one who has a higher probability of actually having the experience… interesting…