Are We Living In A Simulated Reality Like The Matrix?

Are We Living In A Simulated Reality Like The Matrix?

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Podcast 741 guest is the author Sujith Ittan, engineering graduate and data technology providers specialist from India. We talked about his reasons for synchronicities and meaningful coincidence as effectively as the likelihood that our planet is really probably a simulation from his e-book God Procedure Recreation.

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  1. Another comment— I get a ‘foreshadow’ of my next chapter in life via visual previews. I lived in Israel, and as a parting gift, my co-teacher gave me the most beautiful shirt that had a Kabuki actor on it. The next country I lived in was Japan. When my husband and I were trying for a child, we found this fun huge print of Times Square at IKEA—and hung it over our couch. I was on a business trip in NY and had a hotel window that had the IDENTICAL view of Times Square as our print. THAT is where I first found out I was pregnant. These visual foreshadows have happened for very positive events and sad ones. I always get some preview. It’s uncanny.

  2. If God is the beginning and the end. And there is nothing but God that means that everything must be God/Awareness.

    As Alan Watts said that God is playing hide and seek with himself. We are all doing that once you realise that everything/everyone is you!

  3. Thanks a lot Sujith and Jeff! I quite enjoyed this episode! I so wished that I could have chimed in on many of the topics. I’ve read many books that have some great answer to most of these questions. I don’t want to be some kind of a guru so I’ll just hold on to my opinions for now.

  4. Synchronicity is not good or bad but I think it’s definitively relative to the observer and their network of energy. What you seek you shall find. The whole simulation theory in relation to “video games” is far too linear and way too Westernized. I doubt any Indigenous people would reduce the power of this life experience to a game. I think we are too devolved to perceive the answer. We have to reach a higher level of consciousness to even begin to consider who and what we are.

  5. I'll never forget: I was 15, the oj Simpson case was dragging on, I half watched I half grimaced watching, I half was indifferent to be honest; I had my own issues in my own world, a teenager in a dysfunctional household in a hs I was constantly picked on, but the night before the trail came to an end, I dreamed, I swear I was an orb of my own teenage body curled up under the jury bleachers and the jury announced o.j. was declared incident. I'll never forget my body spunned under the bleachers for a long time flushed with energy; and when I woke up;. I knew even though everyone around me said he would go to jail, he would be freed. But I also knew in the back of everything he would be freed, but have a hard go of things. Haven't ever written this

  6. Gateway process cia research on conciousness. We apparently are apart of collective consciousness from something known as the absolute monroe institute and cia researched about this hemisync and the world is artificial because of the brain but reality is all frequencies. The atom itself and matter only exists because were tuned into it being real because of our neuro computer system aka the brain. All the brain is doing is filling in the blanks or at least the visible light and all the frequencies with it going through your eyes and the brain gives you a dream or hologram. Same thing when you sleep. Your just tuning in and out of one reality to another. We are eternal frequencies all apart of the absolute which from gateway claims we are all god trying to rediscover what exactly are we and find our way back home. The collective conciousness is apparently pretty powerful and the things you do reflect subliminally in the subconscious could be the reason why people see heaven and hell during ndes. You make up your own nde experience unconsciously just like the same reason you dream at night same thing with absolute its as if the world and reality as we know it was created unconsciously by this complicated system known as the absolute which ironically is all of us experiencing reality through this complicated dynamic collective conciousness. The same reason why gateway drugs are called what they are, they help turn on the third eye pineal gland and the pineal gland gives you a taste of the complex vast architecture of this dynamic reality by tuning you into higher frequencies uplifting the chains of 3rd density reality to higher and dynamic densities.

  7. I agree with him. I was listening to Dr Donald Hoffman giving a lecture and he spoke about the codes behind every form. Its not really a chair, the codes that are behind a chair, so to speak. I had a real shift in consciousness and understood the simulation. I guess I was ready to know this. A Course in Miracles supports this. I feel you have to experience the simulation and then you just know you are it in. Then getting outside the dream is the thing. For me, I can only say after following lots of bread crumbs ACIM is leading me out of the simulation. Each person has to figure out this isn't real. For me, it started with the usual things on the spiritual path. But Dr. Hoffman showed the blueprint and I was listening. Everyone hears what they need to.

  8. Satan inverts God's creation and his minions operate the inverted matrix. But it has flaws and defects, like a program with bugs. Look for channels that narrate glitch in the matrix stories. They are fascinating.

  9. I had a helicopter crash / death in my dreams a week before Kobe passed. I came out of my body and felt amazing. This was before I knew what out of body stuff was. Then a couple months ago I asked the spirits for a sign to show me they are real and later that night my laptop started flickering and acting crazy which it has never done in the 2 years I have had it. I asked the spirts to flicker a light. The Mandela Effect stuff gets me too. We are in a simulation and Gods. There is no right or wrong here, just an experience.