After He Died God and Lucifer Spoke To Him – Near Death Experience – Not Scary!

After He Died God and Lucifer Spoke To Him – Near Death Experience – Not Scary!

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  1. Suffering is not forever, i have to disagree. It's technically true. But what about traumatic brain injuries, chronic pain disorders, disability?

    How can person with TBI for example make most of life? Isn't he/she justified to just give up?

  2. I found it interesting that Lucifer was having him search for his heart's desire. Like, he behaved as an angel but he only wanted the him only if he felt he wanted it. That the choice was with him. Very interesting.

  3. This is one of the most POWERFUL experiences I’ve heard on the program. Ben went to a very dark place early in life due to no fault of his own. He mentions Jeff Dahlmer, which surprised me, because I was thinking his speaking and face reminded me of Jeff Dahlmer, and after he talked about hurting he mention hurting animals, studies have shown this is one sign of a very sick person. I didn’t want to watch this one, because I don’t believe in the devil (and still don’t) but I am intrigued that the “devil,” in his experience, was a very comforting presence. I have a theory; perhaps the “devil” was the spirit of Jeffrey Dahlmer himself, who was assisting a similarly injured human being. I study ACIM, and I believe we are all safe in Oneness dreaming a dream of madness. It’s only a dream. None of it has happened, we only imagine a world separated from God. We go through the cycle of birth/death birth/death until we discover this and Awaken to Reality. We Awaken to Creator, we don’t have to “die” to experience “Him.”

  4. I appreciate your honesty. Sending you light and love. Praying that more peace and love comes your way, and Good things happen for you. Sounds like people misused religion to make you feel bad. That happens to people. It feels like relief to learn and better understand the manipulation, and to never be controlled and mistreated again.

  5. Wow thank you for being so open and honest.
    We all do things we're just not proud of, I appreciate you for being true.
    Life is what it is.
    The Lucifer being makes me really wonder if they are the light bearer. It makes sense this being isn't evil but necessary, such as the duality here.
    For example, I've seen some of the most beautiful outcomes arise from some of the most traumatic situations.
    Nature shows this with volcanos, devestation but in the end it rejuvenates the the land allowing the plant and animal life to thrive, which would have not been possible without the eruption.
    Nature does it so beautifully, we should be more like nature! 🙂

  6. This is a sensitive topic:

    If you suffer abuse, maybe waiting for karma to do it's job is not enough! Maybe reporting the abuser to the cops is the right thing to do, because if you just walk away, ignore the abuser and stick your head in the sand, the abuser will find another victim…

  7. I'm not sure about this guy. What he did in the past is pretty bad. I believe that he has had an experience that has changed his life. I'm sorry, but I don't have a good vibe. This is probably the animals that he abused and killed.