2023 Predictions With BRITAIN'S BEST Psychic #shorts

2023 Predictions With BRITAIN'S BEST Psychic #shorts

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  1. Instead of critisizing this woman better work on your thoughts …positive thoughts….yes lots of people will shift ("die")…it is us who can help on what is going to happen, important wheather disasters will happen but everything moves, our thoughts provoke energy and form egregores…enlightened ones or somber ones, so lift up your thoughts and be grateful for your life (wich you choose) ask for love light for every being not only for u for All life❤

  2. Its sad that these "psychics" are frauds. "I just have a feeling there are gonna be more natural disasters." Brilliant. Of coyrse were gonna have natural disasters. It happens EVERY YEAR. Theyre NATURAL. and these phoneys making money from these "predictions".