Young Girl DIED in “2nd BIGGEST Plane Crash” (S1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

Young Girl DIED in “2nd BIGGEST Plane Crash” (S1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

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  1. This mom is amazing, as is the story of the girl. The mom really took interest, asked the right questions and did everything possible with this gift. This makes me less scared of death. This girl can now move on and love her new life and hopefully outlive her old self.

  2. This so healing for both the neighbor and lil Jennifer who is now Rylann. God is a merciful and just God! This little girl and others testify of past lives , heaven proof to non believers that heaven is very real and not an imaginative place created by half the world ,powerful testimonies these little ones carry, and gives hope that being born again is in fact a literal thing as well as spiritual they show hope that God grants second chances to us in many ways. Also gives families of loved ones who pass before their time that there is hope they too will be reborn to finish their life lessons.God is awemazing!

  3. That little girls reaction to being in the neighbour hood spoke a lot. She looked spaced out and scared altho I do wonder if that’s just because of the cameras an strangers. But it’s possible if this is true being there triggered fear

  4. It's truly fascinating and I really hope reincarnation is real. I like to think of it as when we get our first go around if we don't finish everything we were put on earth to do we keep getting reincarnated until we get it right or something along those lines.

  5. So she mentions a couple of things about her body hurting, not wanting her clothes on and such and you think…. Hmmmm I’ll look up a plane crash. Give me a break. It was also really cringey watching her bring her child to a plane crash site to have “ closure “ for something she never actually experienced. Not trying to sound hateful or anything I just don’t buy it. Nothing she said would lead her to look into an article about a plane crash or even send her to articles about a plane crash. How about having her describe Jennifer’s hobbies, etc. see if she knows then. All I saw in this was brainwashing a child into believing they were another child that was sadly killed.

  6. I’m sorry, but the fact that Rylann was quiet as Evelyn spoke about Jennifer makes me a skeptic. Rylann didn’t jump in and say “I remember asking that” to Evelyn, or even tell her mom she remembers Evelyn at all. The only thing she said was “this street looks familiar” which is a very vague statement.

  7. How to make one of these fake stories

    -have a young kid
    -say they had violent fits while saying cryptic stuff
    -say they told a parental figure they met a dead family member in heaven
    -say they picked out their parents (optional)
    -say that they knew about a dead dog or hidden childhood momento
    -see they’re very similar to some random person who died in some historical event
    -rake in the views.