Young Boy TRAUMATIZED by Father in his Past Life (Season 1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

Young Boy TRAUMATIZED by Father in his Past Life (Season 1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

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  1. Out of few stories I’ve heard about these kids having these experiences…this little guy most certainly experienced something traumatizing to him.
    How any parent could just excuse or deny them their feelings- is so sad.

    That poor little boy.

    I hope the memories leave him so it doesn’t effect him any longer than it has to.

  2. While accidentally Scrying one night, it was a late internet session and I sort of fell into a trance in front of a blank computer screen, I heard a voice softly calling, "Eric! Eric Rudolf!". I answered, "That's NOT my name!" The voice answered back, "It WAS once!" From other clues of interests and fears from a VERY early age, I believe Eric was a German Airman in the Second World War and possibly died/was shot down on a bombing mission maybe over England.

  3. adults need to wake up and realize that kids , PEOPLE, do not have the capacity to describe something theyve never seen / heard. Try it. I had to deal with parents like that and now in middle age I STILL struggle, but thankfully I finally understand what was happening to me. They still dont. It damages a xhild when a parent ignores or dismisses what they are trying to tell you. Kids dont understand that adults are clueless. Very scary. Why is it DADS thattend to be non believers?

  4. I remember watching this series and the ONLY Thing I didn't like was the director zooming into people's faces. Luckily this woman didn't have a horrible mouth like I have seen on other episodes. But I loved the series and hated that it didn't continue. It was so interesting.

  5. I understand this is a tough subject for traditionally minded parents to believe about their child. I simply find it so frustrating to see how unwilling some people are when it comes to piles of evidence that their guileless child is telling them the honest truth. They are so deeply insecure in light of their child's experience, need for support and understanding that they leave their child with the decision that what they are reliving is only their active imagination/unintended lies. Way to throw your kid under the bus (and yes, the kid was coached to say he loves his parents NOW because someone wanted to leave the audience with the impression they were a 'normal" family except for this tiny detail.)

  6. My entire life, i have said that i was choked to death or drowned in a past life. I hate anything on my throat and afraid of water over my head. My last husband would put his hand on my throat just to watch me spontaneously cry.