She Thought Her Mom Hated Her Until THIS Psychic Reading

She Thought Her Mom Hated Her Until THIS Psychic Reading

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Matt Fraser is America’s Prime Psychic Medium, New York Periods Bestselling Creator, and star of the hit tv series on E!

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  1. I never knew that I was going to come across a story like this one right here..

    I had a Bittersweet sick mother she did a lot of damage to me and I just decided to separate from her after I got married.

    I found out she had a stroke I still don't feel safe to see her my kids don't know her I don't think this (queen ) right here witness so much abuse like I did with my mother.

    I am working on myself finding myself spiritually in order to see her face again I have to forgive her like I'm doing now.

    I felt that she gave so much love to my siblings my two sisters and I never heard her do anything for me she threw me more in the pit but this video brings me a lot of emotional distress thinking how she cheated me all her life but I'm grateful to know what was the outcome after she passed away cause that was my biggest fear I don't want her haunting me..oh and I went to a medium she said my mother hates me deeply for who my dad is…. she also told me I am loosing my cousin…I did tragically..also told me about my hand accident.

  2. It's really hard when your mom has no emotional ties with her kids. I sat at school many times in the 3rd grade wondering if my mom loved me. My dad would always tell her… Why don't you tell the girls you love them?(I'm a twin)… I never felt loved or good enough. Now my mom is sick and I take care of her, while she has a verbally abusive husband ( step dad )who harrasses and is mean towards me and she says nothing. It's absolutely draining and sad. Honestly, I'm ready to walk away.

  3. You say souls that passed on are helping us. I don't believe that. My mom has dementia, she is angry and gets obsessed with different things. I keep asking for help, but I don't believe anyone cares. They didn't care when they were here, why would they care in the afterlife?

  4. I’d give anything to get to talk to my mom. I didn’t get to see her before she passed nor have I felt her , heard her or anything… nothing and idk why. I was kinda hatful some but I still loved her. It’s just weird I’ve never felt her in the 14-15 years she’s been gone. I lost her way to early.

  5. Sounds like my mom. My mom did not like anything about me. I am certain she's not around me. I'm sure she's with my brothers. They never did anything she didn't like. My mom never attended anything that was important to me.