#psychic #medium #orbs

#psychic #medium #orbs

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Matt Fraser is America’s Leading Psychic Medium, New York Situations Bestselling Creator, and star of the strike tv series on E!

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  1. Before my father passed he was able to leave the hospital and spend close to 5 days at our house with hospice helping us care for him. I had the strongest urge to pray the rosary with my twins at his bedside. We only got 1/2 way and one of my sons became bored and dashed out of the room to go play, my other son (his identical twin)stayed on my lap as we were praying he grabbed my fathers hand firmly and said poppa don’t be scared take the angels hand you go to God ok poppa don’t be scared and he kissed his hand. I finished the Hail Mary we were in the middle of & we each gave him a kiss. I had to step away bc I was bursting in tears. We’ll my father passed away about 8 minutes after that. We had his hospital bed set up in my living room (removed couches etc) when all was said and one, we played back the camera we had one in the living room. And in those minutes when he passed I was able to see what I describe as an orb go upwards to the ceiling and disappeared. A hospice nurse told me children have very thing veils and often times see way more that we adults do. To this day my son isn’t interested in speaking about what he saw or why he said that.

  2. That's not always true. I saw my brother that died, clear as day. I saw my friend that died. My grandparents have seen family that's died. My son has seen a baby that didn't live with us. I've seen a dog in my parents basement with red glowing eyes as a kid, and my brothers friend saw the same thing at a different time in the same house.

  3. Sometimes we can see them with the naked eye- it’s a distortion, a flash of very transparent color, very dimly lit, as they go by, sometimes a ripple in the air. If the room is completely dark, they’re easier to see and can be colorful however: not all of them are automatically “loved ones.” Some have never been human.

  4. I see them all the time. People chat in my bedroom they whisper in my ear. I was watching a show on tv I changed the channel the spirit wasn’t happy that I changed the channel she said oh so I went back. Stuff happens every day I’m so lucky

  5. I haven't seen you in ages!!! I loved the episode where you identified the trees on a nature walk with your dad when you know nothing about trees! Has your dad changed his mind about you, your mom and I think your nana having the gift? Miss your show so much!!! And your kitties and your beautiful beauty queen wife!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!!!!!!!