Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Explains Psychic Energy

Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Explains Psychic Energy

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  1. My brother came to my son in a dream, His uncle warned him to get his colon checked. My son was only 18 at the time. He did go get his colon checked and he had an adanoma polyp that would've turned into cancer. And it was on my birthday that my son woke up and told me he had gotten a visit. ❤ I believe

  2. Thank you Matt for answering my question, “Why me? Why did I see that murder in progress?”
    On that night I was stressed after a dinner party in someone’s home in Hong Kong. The host and hostess opened their door while saying good night. During the dinner the thickest fog that I’ve ever seen had settled on the mountaintop. I suddenly felt that there was no way the driver, who’d been called to take me and my spouse home, would be able to drive through the fog on the curvy road that in addition had no lights.
    We got into the car with my spouse in the front, who then became engrossed in a conversation with the driver who was barely glancing at the road. I thought my heart would burst from my fear.
    We went around yet another bend , our headlights lighting the way, but only several yards at a time, and at a speed as if we were driving in daylight. I knew that I was about to die.
    I gripped the seat in what was truly a white knuckle ride when we went around a bend and there in the headlights, just off to the right side of the road I saw ahead of the car by about 20 feet a man strangling a woman to death.
    I was in such shock that I couldn’t speak.
    And the driver was speaking to my spouse. They were looking directly at each other and missed this.
    This is where it gets weirder.
    I could see from the couple’s clothing and hairstyles that the year was 1953. I knew this with such precision because my hobby was the study of fashion history.
    And now it gets weirder. The year I saw this murder scene was in 1982.

  3. I feel when males are sexually turned on, or negative/good energy, literally feel it

    You have very good energy, never felt that kind before
    Feel the same energy always when come back to your videos

    I also communicate with something in my mind, spirits/entities

    Felt neighbors' energies

    Also had dreams related to people I was close to

    Dreams should be evidence for psychic things