Paranormal and Supernatural Open line -110-11-04-2023

Paranormal and Supernatural Open line -110-11-04-2023

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  1. To the guest who observed the red moon: When the moon appears to be red or orange, it is because we, on earth, are looking at the moon through our atmosphere. When the moon is red it's because there's lots and lots of pollution in the air, usually from forest fires. It's not actually red, it just appears to be red because of the pollution in the atmosphere of our planet. As the moon moves higher in the sky, we are looking through less and less pollution. This is because the higher up you go, there is less and less pollution in the atmosphere of our planet. For example, during those 12 minutes in which the moon was obscured by the clouds our view of the moon moved "above" all that pollution in the air, and when the clouds cleared, the moon was white again. The moon is moving in relation to the the earth, as it orbits the earth in a unique pattern. The earth is moving in relation to the moon and the sun, etc. Actually, all planets are moving through through space. The moon was never actually red. It's kind of like looking through a red colored piece of cellophane at a white ball, that looks red when looking through the cellophane. I hope this helps. You can research this for confirmation.