My Heart NEVER Pounded THAT HARD – Celebrity Ghost Stories (S2, E20) | Full Episode | LMN

My Heart NEVER Pounded THAT HARD – Celebrity Ghost Stories (S2, E20) | Full Episode | LMN

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  1. I absolutely love that Bret took that experience and continues to use it in a positive way. His Grandma was, and will always be, watching out for him. She sadly had to leave this world to help him achieve the greatness she saw in him while alive!

  2. I think the 3rd girl who stayed in Texas with her nanny. I think she dreamed it all. She said she always dreamed and had nightmares and dread going to bed at night. I do honestly believe she dreamed it. She feared that she would die. I believe she dreamed it all. Makes sense to me. She said it to her in a dream. As a child I had experiences like that. I know exactly why she had anxiety. She I believe was an emotional child.

  3. Farmhouse I lived here in Missouri it's haunted I seen a dark shadow a kind of scared of me but I told it I was not afraid of it and I believe in God God will protect me I've seen people live there before I've been dead there was a little girl cuz it was a grave site down the road from me she used to come play in my house she found a ball with my sons and she would play with it she would talk come and talk to me she would cry when people would mess with the grand side she cried and she told me they're starving my sleep they won't leave me alone it was so sad but sometimes it was really creepy in the house

  4. Yes there is a genetic component to having psychic and mediumistic abilities. I to was born a medium myself and I have learned that my mother, grandmother and others within my family are spiritually gifted. These spiritual gifts are passed down through our lineage. You also mentioned that you have indigenous DNA as well. That plays into your spiritual gifts. My father was Cherokee and learning this help me to better understand my strong spiritual abilities. Self-acceptance of this is key.