I Met My Dead Mom On The Otherside And She Asked Me THIS | Near Death Experience | NDE

I Met My Dead Mom On The Otherside And She Asked Me THIS | Near Death Experience | NDE

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  1. I have had two ADC experiences. Neither quite as dramatic as this account, but were sufficient to shake me out of my fundamentalist atheist world view. I had thrown away my religious beliefs at university as a student of science and philosophy of science. Nothing I had learned in my student years and career as a teacher and scientist would explain these veridical experiences. The were veridical because in both cases there was no expectation that the other would die at that time, and I was far away at the moment of their deaths: in one case The Netherlands to Israel, and the other The Netherlands to Australia. Later is was confirmed that at the same moment of my experience (after correcting for time zone differences) the individuals concerned had died.

  2. Very different from the description of most NDE experiences. In this case I would classify this as a paranormal experience with NDE elements. This makes sense to me because my father visited me in spirit at the time of his passing. He passed away at his home under hospice care with terminal cancer. I suddenly woke up at my home 600 miles away from him at 12:30 AM. I felt his presence there with me. He mentally communicated that he loved me and was saying goodbye. His presence then left me. My telephone rang about three minutes later. It was my sister Kathy calling from North Carolina. She told me that she was at Dad's bed side and he had just passed away.

  3. Those are not near death experiences but your intuition is developed and always listen to your dreams and learn to understand their meaning .Enhance and show gratitude for your gift .Those will come and go but you will learn to know answers by animals and objects giving messaged to your questions or thoughts of the day .

  4. The body is dead…underground or in ashes form – we talk to the Spirit/Soul of those who have passed…which most religions teach as being immortal. It is a difficult topic to have with people, as those who are not yet 'awakened' will think you are talking a foreign language.

  5. in 1973 I was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center… More than half an hour passed, then my heart started again… During that time, I "LIFE The Real Self", entered the WHITE LIGHT, and have remained in the WHITE LIGHT to this day… Those who claim to have returned, have NOT recognize WHAT, The WHITE LIGHT really is… When you recognize WHAT the LIGHT actually is, and accept it, you remain in The LIGHT as I have…

  6. When my uncle passed he appeared in the upper corner of his beloved granddaughters room. She woke up and saw what she described as a purple shimmering butterfly. Her grand dad s voice. " Goodbye for now, sweetheart. I love you ".

  7. I'd like to make a suggestion to the owner of this channel. I think the videos would be easier to view if you used one beautiful clip of a landscape, rather than have clips that don't corelate to the audio. I find it very distracting and also odd that some clips are of usually people staring toward the viewer. No doubt you don't hv the time or help to improve this. But using one clip would be far easier for you and I would feel a lot more relaxed about watching. Thank you and I hope you might consider that.