I Died And Met Other People Who Died In The Same Hospital. near death experience documentary netflix

I Died And Met Other People Who Died In The Same Hospital. near death experience documentary netflix

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Welcome to Peculiar Tales wherever we share personal accounts of near death experiences, out of body experiences, and other incredible phenomena!

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  1. I wanna say this because I've never had anything like this happen but here it is.. I had a women whispering my name every night for a whole week or so when I'd lay I'd lay in bed and the house turned quiet. Once my TV was turned off she'd come to my door and I could see her it was just a shadow but I even.saod to her I'm not scared of you. Eventually every night she would get closer to me like she was scared of me but one night she got in my bed I watched her slowly do it and I was terrified I could actually feel her put her arm over me like she was cuddling me. I actually went to the doctor and everything but I had full blown conversations with this lady. I even asked how she passed away and never again did I see her. That is something I'll never forget it was scarey but the things she told me and the experience was kinda awesome in a way. Ghost are real. Idk why that lady came to me but like she was more scared than I was such a weird thing I experienced. I thought I was going insane but I wasn't. It was actually happening every dam night. I'll never forget that haunting whisper of her saying "zach" and the feeling of her touching me

  2. Thank you for sharing your NDE I heard you mentioned your "husband" that's a great thing you're still together a lot of people whine up getting a divorce after their experience good luck to you and your family I appreciate you sharing something so ok personal

  3. Ok, obviously the person who had the nde is not a believer. That poor lost soul that the person saw in the spirit, oh I wonder where it wound up? The Bible says that after a person dies their spirit goes back to God in heaven. But if a person is not saved who knows. It is a mystery. Read your Bible if you have one, beautiful people and find out. The Bible also talks about heaven and hell a nice place and a not so nice place. I believe this person had a spiritual experience, able to see in the spirit. If this doesn't make a person a believer in the Living God then I don't know what will!

  4. Why did you say to that 70 year old man in the corridor who'd died earlier that we were going to be killed.? Do you think he was frightened bcz he had actually died wheras you were Having an OBE .? and hadn't been severed from your body, the silver cord hadn't been cut, why do you think you'll those people who'd passed were anxious and troubled?

  5. But this woman made no n my mention of the Christ ——- perhaps the reason she met that poor bewildered olde man was to show her that this was the fate of all those the existence of Jesus Christ—- these ppl wander in darkness once they die and finally end up in hell unless they cry out to Jesus even in that nether region!!

    So many ppl mock at Jesus and death while they are young and healthy but once they get old things change and unless they become humble and ask Jesus into their lives when they finally die it can be very very terrifying —- don’t let’s kid ourselves, hell is a real place and that’s where all the hellish ppl who live on earth now will be going one day unless they fall on their proud knees and ask God to forgive them

  6. My husband had to have an operation. We were both sitting in the room before they took him in the operating room. I said to him, "don't worry, Jacob is with you"…our son Jacob was murdered just a couple of years prior. Anyway, once I said that a huge light blinked on brightly.
    The nurse with us said, "wow, that light isn't suppose to just come on". I then explained to the nurse about our son. She replied and said, "I believe it because we have all sorts of things that go on that's unexplainable ". She then proceeded to tell us some things that have happened to her and others that work at the hospital. We never die. My son is still right here and so is your loved one.