How Souls Change in the Afterlife

How Souls Change in the Afterlife

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Have you ever questioned if your beloved just one has transformed just after they die? Listed here is what I have been instructed as a psychic medium.

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  1. If i come across my husband in heaven i cant see me wanting to be with him, my son told me after he died how much he had ridiculed and said how stupid i was etc. I just cant see him changing and his dying words were very hurtful.

  2. Matt I wish I could spoke to you about my husband he passed 9/2/22 of two kinds of cancer I did zoom on line march 9 23 but you didn't pick me .we were together 45 years and I am having such a hard time he was a teen I was teen when we married .I am 61 he would of been 64 and we are separated almost a year and it is killing me inside we sometimes would take breaks and visit help friends and family .I tried to tell myself oh I will try to do this he working helping someone .But I can't take it .Sacramento what date I pray he will come there I need to here from him

  3. I tend not to comment but do get comfort from such videos. This one is particularly meaningful for me bc my fiancé died suddenly 12 years ago a week before his 50th birthday. I remain in the type of grief where I (in some ways) can’t let go, I feel like he is with me still but completely gone at the same time. I have wanted to see a medium from right after he died. But I pushed it farther and farther away, becoming more skeptical. I even doubt my own psychic ability which has been long standing ( im not a medium ) Now, when I do readings and even when folks are highly grateful and helped by it, I doubt that it is coming from a spiritual place. Since Steve died I shift between spiritual and skeptical but in a very firm was. From one end of the spectrum to another. I had one dream after he died where it felt very real. Since they there may be signs, but I mostly come up for reasons they are probably coincidence. This has helped me in deciding I really may book a medium. I am feeling a rather strong push to do so. If anyone has gotten this far … thank you

  4. Oh, Matt you are so describing me in this video. It makes me so sad how much I've changed. I used to be so spiritual and fun loving, and I find I'm just very numb now. There have been so many family disappointments. It's been so overwhelming. Keep posting. It's so helpful.

  5. So Matt, I
    Have been thinking lately about my husband who passed on 6 yrs ago
    And we were very contentious at the end.
    But when I think
    Of him in “heaven” he’s more evolved and I
    Sort of want
    Him back the way we were when we started.