Family Receives A Jaw Dropping Psychic Reading

Family Receives A Jaw Dropping Psychic Reading

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  1. This is so beautiful, totally made me cry. I hope and wish healing and hope for her and her family. What a blessing! Wow!! So deep, so beautiful!! I have just found Matt and his readings, absolutely profound. I have signed up for a group reading in Feb, I would love a connection!

  2. I know how powerful this reading was emotionally, but as an afterlife researcher, I'm particularly struck with how powerful it was from that perspective. This young lady gave him absolutely nothing to go on–hardly even a response. The accurate hits all came from Matt, including a first name. This reading is what William James called a "white crow," strong enough to stand alone as proof of mediumship.

  3. My sinuses are going through this, too.
    What will help your sinuses deal with this is:
    No sugar.
    No dairy … Milk, Cream, Sour Cream, Whipped Cream, Butter, Buttermilk, Cheeses.

    Take a 24 hour anti-histamine pull and Flonase nasal spray – both once a day.
    Also, the Ayer nasal spray that moistens your nostral is a blessing.

    Flush sinuses once a day with the neti push bottle. Use distilled water only and heat it up a little bit.

    It will be nice to stream your sinuses with a facial steamer. This feels really good on your entire face, too.