Broken Hearted Girl Kills Herself, What Jesus Told Her Will Shock You | Youtube nde stories

Broken Hearted Girl Kills Herself, What Jesus Told Her Will Shock You | Youtube nde stories

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  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I too lost my mother when I was 12. That was 50 years ago now. I was completely heartbroken by this and became very depressed. My older brother was the one to take notice and made me stop just hanging out in my room and would take me out with him. He and the rest of my family are now all on the other side. They often visit me in my dreams, all except my mother who I have never had a dream of her and often wonder if it was because I was so young and took her death so hard.

  2. There is a draconian control over your soul even after you die,don’t buy into these stories they are meant to mind control you by these dark forces present on this unfortunate plane. There is an insanity going on on this earth that I see it and feel it. Don’t be intimidated by technology,these entities are literally thousands of years ahead of us being able to deal with your soul after departing and manipulating the hell out of you. They want you to swallow religion and Jesus,the whole thing is created on a much larger intensity to really have an effect over you permanently. Be strong and use your mind that’s why it’s there. You are a free soul!

  3. Broken hearts cannot be compared – it is or it not broken.
    Hearts, once broken, can be broken over and over again. (subsequent breakings of the heart are rooted in the heart's first breaking) recommend one seek to heal the first break.
    Don't let the first break take over your whole life. I speak from experience.

  4. Are these really true stories. Just curious how many people remember all this so vividly like they just left 5 minutes ago. I too hope they are indeed true. I lost my mother at a very young age and it would be comforting to know she’s safe and waiting patiently for me when the LORD calls my Number one Day.

  5. MATTHEW 25:41 “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Hell was created to punish Satan and the angels that fell with him. Stories about demons torturing people in hell is a lie. Everyone is hell, angel or human, suffers in its flames. Demons aren't grabbing people or stabbing them with pitchforks. They are suffering in the fire like everyone else.

  6. In and by the Cross we are delivered from ourselves; not only from our sins, but from ourselves; and being delivered from ourselves we are delivered into the Lord Jesus Christ, and King Jesus Christ becomes far more than we. It is a painful process, but it is a blessed issue.
    Brother Austin Spark.

  7. Life is not fair but God is good. Lord Jesus will give us eternal life. Don't be tamed by satan. God appeared to me a few years ago. Only Jesus Christ is your savior, your joy, your Lord. Believe in the CROSS. God may appear to you in person someday. Hallelujah. Amen.
    A M'sian Christian man. 5-2023.

  8. In the book Imagine Heaven by John Burke, many NDE written, This life seems unfair at so many levels, but so does Jesus on the cross. Battle the unfairness with Jesus, but allow the love of Jesus to ease the pain.

  9. Jesus truly is my lord and savior and this hit me hard. My mother got cancer back in 2015 but luckily she didn't pass away. I am so lucky to still have my mother.

    I do believe there is an afterlife and I haven't exactly been following Jesus lately and I felt God speaking to me through this video.

    Jesus is real and I can't wait to go to heaven with him.

  10. Proverbs 15:10

    Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.

    Proverbs 26:11

    As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

    Matthew 15:8

    This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

  11. Virgin Marry was just a vessel used to carry our Lord there's nothing special about her she cannot appear besides Jesus and she also does not Judge as she will also be judged its a lie, also the bible tells us that when you die you face Judgement Hebrews 9:27 the spirit does not linger you immediately go where you are supposed to go for you to say Jesus told you it will take a while for your Mom to arrive that is pure LIES stop midleading us with your LIES

  12. Jesus is a human construct, a myth in a man-made religion. There are billions of people who do not believe in yet another man-god born to a virgin..These videos and titles are clickbait and do a disservice to the people looking for answers about the afterlife..Not some medieval book of fairytales about reward and punishment of the dead!!

  13. to every human being who search for the truth and search for peace and eternel love, and also wonder about the reason for his existence in this life and his purpose in it, all of these questions find their answers in lslam, Go to the nearest lslamic center to your residence or the nearest mosque, and you will find to guide you.