Bashar's PREDICTION & Fascinating MESSAGE You Need To Hear – Darryl Anka

Bashar's PREDICTION & Fascinating MESSAGE You Need To Hear – Darryl Anka

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  1. Re: the 37:36 mark regarding time

    "To you who still believe you live in time and know not it is gone, the Holy Spirit still guides you through the infinitely small and senseless maze you still perceive in time, though it has long since gone. You think you live in what is past. Each thing you look upon you saw but for an instant long ago, before its unreality gave way to truth. Not one illusion still remains unanswered in your mind. Uncertainty was brought to certainty so long ago that it is hard indeed to hold it to your heart as if it were before you still. The tiny instant you would keep and make eternal passed away in Heaven too soon for anything to notice it had come." ~Jesus in A Course in Miracles [CE T-26.V.4]

  2. Re: the 39:11 mark "It's within us"

    "Projection makes perception; the world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition." ~Jesus in A Course in Miracles [CE T-21.I.1:1-4]

  3. Re: the 26:39 mark

    "In dreams, these features are not obscure. You seem to waken, and the dream is gone. But what you fail to recognize is that what caused the dream has not gone with it. Your wish to make another world that is not real remains with you. And what you seem to wake to is but another form of this same world you see in dreams. All your time is spent in dreaming. Your sleeping and your waking dreams have different forms, and that is all. Their content is the same. They are your protest against reality, and represent your fixed and insane wish to change it." ~Jesus in A Course in Miracles [CE T-18.II.6]

  4. The Galactic federation of worlds has talked about bringing a higher consciousness to our galaxy to help humanity evolve into more advanced species and to aid our DNA to 12 strands like it used to be four hundred thousand years ago before the dark forces took over our planet

  5. For almost 60 years in the very heart of America (US) there have been Living Teachings of the Holy Spirit teaching each of their students to reach higher states of consciousness by knowing themselves and ultimately God Himself. These teachings are spread worldwide, and here you are dealing with stories from beings who themselves are not familiar with the very core of the teachings that I am stating here. The fact that you deal with such stories shows that you are not interested in the real truth about life, and even less how to realize yourself, the Soul, and reach the heart of Creation, the Creator.

  6. No one ever brings this up, but do they eat sleep or use the bathroom or do they just work 24 seven every single day for eternity? Do they have a life or just live life with the energy they have for ever and ever for eternity no laughter no food or drink no sleep? Can you answer that please?

  7. When was shift to another earth does our family come with us? What if you be on your family knowing and some don’t know how does that work? I’m not understanding the shifting because how can you leave it in your family behind so I am I’m not getting my understanding of that. If you could, please explain it to me please thank you.

  8. Can we stay living on earth or do we have to shift and go to other countries because I heard that we would have to move from the USA and they will move us and give us the a lot of money to start all over again is that true because there’s so much stuff going on now you don’t know what’s true and what is false or a scam please let me know please please they said if your left behind you going to be in trouble because they’re close in Walmart all the stores all the grocery stores all gas stations so tell me tell me is that true or not thank you

  9. I do not want to go backwards I want to go forward but I wanted to be positive for everyone there’s a lot of scams out there saying this or that you don’t know what to believe I just want to know about 2024 2025, 2026 are we still going to be in the USA living we’re going to be forced to leave a Home. Let us know something that we could grab one please.

  10. I practiced for 5 months Bashar’s concept of following your highest excitement. It never worked. It never became an ecstatic explosion of synchronicity, like he says. Can anyone help me so that it can work?

  11. What doesn’t make sense is that he says reincarnation is real but then says that everyone exists at once, that time and past and future are an illusion. How do we die and come back living many lifetimes and yet we don’t because everyone exists at once and we think we remember a past life but we’re really just tapping into other souls human experiences? How can both be true when each version contradicts the other?

  12. TY for the interview. Would you consider time stamping the main message in future vids? I don't need to know the origin story of the guests' because I know the guests' connections to the other dimensions are as real (barring charlatans who are posing as such individuals which is entirely possible and I can vet those people out myself) as our dimension, I just want to hear their message. That's all.

  13. Lovely interview. I was aware of Bashar as a well-known channel but had never listened to his core message before as I usually prefer channels that have human experience. However, Bashar’s message really resonates with me so I will listen to more channels of him.
    As someone who’s had many conversations in dream state with aliens and spirits, I cannot wait for the open contact to happen.

  14. Now whether Bashar is real or not or a big act (I think it is) is irrelevant to his peaceful messages, even though he charges a lot of money to go to one of his gigs. If his messages make you feel good and you can afford the ticket, Great. It is free to watch him on YouTube, so take advantage of that and suspend belief for a little bit. Just relax, at least he isn't starting a cult.

  15. What if the Big Bang never really happened and the entire universe is still encapsulated inside a pinpoint where we only imagine separateness which lends itself to quantum entanglement. And One consciousness looks through a perforated wooden fence of a trillion holes; each hole thinking that they are individuals.

  16. I am very interested in Darryl's upcoming teaching platform. It would be very helpful to conduct comprehensive discussion on challenges that Bashar's students are having as they work with his material. It would be wonderful to demonstrate the Threshold of Believability AND then how to address the beliefs that act as blocks or blinders that limit us. There are astrology teachers on the internet who talk about transits and trends, but there are those who get into an individual's natal chart and show us HOW it all works for that person. It's more up-close and personal — and less general. Show me. Darryl is a wonderful teacher and I know this new teaching platform will "drive Bashar's teachings home" for many of us.