7-Year-Old Says He Is the CREATOR of “Gone With the Wind” – The Ghost Inside My Child (S1) | LMN

7-Year-Old Says He Is the CREATOR of “Gone With the Wind” – The Ghost Inside My Child (S1) | LMN

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Youthful Eric’s family is desperately trying to uncover how to help their son obtain closure just after uncovering Eric’s obsession with a …

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  1. There are things in this world that cannot be seen but the Bible speaks of them as demons. This looks like demonic possession which goes along with your night terrors. My suggestion is don't worry about what the child was watching on TV look into your family and see where the satanic activity could be coming from.

    This should be clear over the fight he put up over the day of his birth. The birth date the boy is talking about isn't his physical birth it was the day the demon came into the boy. This would have nothing to do with what the child is watching on TV.

  2. according to wikipedia:

    Sidney Coe Howard (June 26, 1891 – August 23, 1939) was an American playwright, dramatist and screenwriter. He received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1925 and a posthumous Academy Award in 1940 for the screenplay for Gone with the Wind.

    So the child in this video was named "Coe" and Sidney did have a child named Jennifer who was an actress.