Why We NEVER Die – The Afterlife Secret

Why We NEVER Die – The Afterlife Secret

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Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Reveals Afterlife Insider secrets! – MeetMattFraser.com

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  1. This is so interesting Matt. I always have so many questions too. My brother just passed away today with dementia so it brings me peace knowing he won’t be sick anymore now. Maybe someday I’ll get to connect with him from the other side.

  2. I almost never hear Matt talk about reincarnation. I think once he said he has not had any spirits mention it to him, so he doesn't comment on it. I've watched nearly every one of his videos here on YouTube and I can't recall him communicating with any spirit beyond someone's grandparent. Maybe if there is such a thing as reincarnation, it doesn't happen until everyone you could have possibly known on earth has already passed? Anyone have thoughts on this?

  3. A few years after my husband died, and for over a year, I was having nightmares with him in the dreams. It was awful. He at first would just be there, back turned, no talking. Then, slowly each night would kind of turn 2ward me. Then, he eventually started speaking. Then begged me to join him. I asked him to leave me alone to no avail. Then he finally did, but every once in a while will still appear. Now, he will talk to me in my thoughts, and it drives me cra cra. Why won't he just let me go!

  4. Matt, my husband was adopted as a baby and we never found his birth mother… he died 6 years ago and she died in 2014… would he know her on the other side? It's just so sad that he never knew where he came from. I wrote to his sister I found after his death, she just ignored my letter.

  5. Your meat suit fails but your energy lives on. If you have lost someone close to you, listen, smell and look for signs of them. They will be around you, so don’t think they can’t hear you, they will come if you talk to them.

  6. This may sound like a crazy question, but how infinite is heaven? There’s enough room for billions of souls? If our loved ones and pets are on the other side, what about “all” life forms? All animals? Anything living has a soul? An elephant right down to a bug? What about the dinosaurs? Are all their souls in heaven too? Just a random question here and curious how this works?

  7. Matt, if what you're saying is true or accurate, then what is the point of our soul being sent to a physical body to live a lifetime? Why not just stay in the energy realm (heaven) and continue to exist there?