Two Sisters Question Matt Fraser: Unexpected Turn in Psychic Medium Reading

Two Sisters Question Matt Fraser: Unexpected Turn in Psychic Medium Reading

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  1. I hardly ever get a tear in my eye but with this video I did. I've come to realize more and more we are Eternal and this Earth Life is just a brief visit to hopefully assist us to learn how to become more spiritual and having a caring loving heart and to lose the Ego. Like the person's comment below mine I too say this video had that Extra Special Feeling that you can tell Matt and the ladies being read are tuned into Spirit.

  2. I'm glad Matt tells the truth about the aborted children. These babies have souls and when they are aborted, their souls go to heaven. Those souls are received by their families/relatives who passed before them. It's like a family reunion. It's so frustrating to watch on TV women defending the abortion clinics, politicians in favor of the abortion, celebrities and leftists humiliating christians, catholics, jews, and mediums like Matt about this issue. May God continue blessing Matt for his gift of communicating with the dead persons. ❤

  3. I really hope the mother has the strength to look at her daughters pictures… and now enjoy looking at them and be happy! Not happy with what her daughter went through, but happy to see and look at the pictures knowing her daughter, and her grandchild, are in a great place – and… maybe she can have pleasant memories come. Powerful reading!… MATT, how you do not start bawling… is beyond me!

  4. Oh Matt …this reading was incredible … the peace that you gave to both of them beautiful lady’s will stay with them for the rest of their lives … it was life changing and that is the most wonderful gift you could ever give to anyone …you could see the appreciation from both of them so much it was powerful to see .. I wish I could receive a message from you like that so I too can feel what they must of been feeling ..because what her daughter went through I’ve gone through my entire life troubled life … especially the choices of wrong partners … like her daughter I’ve never felt true love from that special person that most take for granted …I will probably leave this world feeling exactly the same as her daughter did …god bless her ..

  5. Matt i have been watching you for a few years now and you are such a blessing to people on earth and souls that have passed. I lost my mother last December 14th my dad this past October 2nd and mother n law last month November 8th. I am struggling. I would love to know what are our loved ones doing on the other side? I have been seeing orbs and light in my perifial and just would love to know, is that really what i i believe to be orbs and my loved ones. Also pink flamingos is the sign i get from my mother. I can literally ask my mom to show me and guaranteed within 24hrs she shows me. Is that truly my mom or wishful thinking

  6. This was so healing for the one lady with her daughter. I have to comment how fortunate she is to have such a living sister. You can see the sisters love and caring for her. I was so moved by her emotion for her sister and niece. This is how a sister should be. I have sisters that I don’t even talk to. I am glad they have each other