Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Reconnects SoulMates

Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Reconnects SoulMates

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  1. This was amazing Matt! Healing from a separation is hard enough, much more when they die. It’s healing to hear that whatever bond you have here with your partner lingers on. And that they’d still want us to live fully. Wow.

  2. Sounds like he had inflamatory auto-immune condition. I had the same thing, went on a vegan, gluten free, citrus free, alcohol free, caffene free, legume free and nut and seed free diet. It's the only way to prevent the symptoms. No more psoriasis, arthritis, joint pain, back pain, tiredness and liver pain.

  3. This connects so much in my life. My husband passed in a car accident at 23 years old and everyday all I could do is think of him and couldn’t even think of moving on without him… thankfully after 10 years I remarried and even though I’m married again there’s nothing that has broken the love and bound I had with my first husband.

  4. Hi Matt I can’t wait for online reading day hope my experience will be wut been needing for long time I watch your vidieos most time crying with these people whom you give readings to love. All your vidieos and your sweet lil family I have also gone to one of your shows couple years back Westford mass I didn’t really enjoy live show as to many people and felt like my f ily member ce thru but another said thier family member but I know was mine for things that was said and made so confusing

  5. I hope this message is similar from my fiancé in heaven as well. From what I’ve learned from these videos on signs though I know that she is saying similar to me. Thanks Matt and I love the healing you’re spreading to us grieving