Psychic Dreams & Premonitions – Matt Fraser Tells All!

Psychic Dreams & Premonitions – Matt Fraser Tells All!

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  1. I constantly have premonitions! My gut tells me much and I listen to it all the time. I dream in technicolor!! And so many details. I see numbers but don’t know what they mean. I dream of my deceased loved ones but do not get messages from them. They are just there.

  2. This is very interesting to me. I'm not exaggerating when I say my mom is in every dream I've had for the past maybe 2 years. She passed in 08 I am widowed twice and more often than not one of my late husband's will be in my dream not ever at the same time. There's so much more I would love to get feed back on .

  3. Matt, I had a dream that I had 3 vintage "Wheat" pennies (before 1958) in my right hand, and I was looking at them. It seemed so real that when I woke up, I found my pants and I checked my pockets. In the right front pocket there were three wheat pennies!

  4. I dont dream much. But when i do its always extraordinary. One time a loved one who passed came to me in a dream. It wasnt long after her death but she was always a quick learner. Ill never forget what the sky looked like in that dream. The next nights sky looked exactly like the one in my dream the night befor. No one had to explain what happened to me. Ill never forget what the sky looked like and ive never seen it again.

  5. I’ve been having detailed dreams. So far they’ve involved highlighted words, the amount of times I’ve seen number 4 in my dreams. I feel like since I’ve been dreaming everyday, it’s been so many signs. My dreams don’t give me direct answers but give me clues on things that haven’t happened yet.

  6. I’ve been having premonitions since I was a child and I usually don’t remember the dream until I’m reliving it the day it happens and lol I’m like what did this dream mean it’s nothing serious usually thank god but I’ve been trying to figure out what they mean

  7. I had a dream about apriestess looking at a book wrote in Hebrew. And putting her ear about 3 inches from the book and then ahe said, yes i understand and then she stepped forward and put her hands on each side of my face and then breathed into my mouth

  8. Yeah,dreams,I had the nightmare of my ex wife having a miscarriage and a week later it happens,I was expecting it but couldn't tell her about it,I suppose I was being prepared for it but not nice at all,I knew the day before I found out my brother was dead as I could feel that he wasn't on this planet anymore and that's the thought and feeling I had the day before the news,My dad was very ill with cancer but I knew his time was up 2 days before he died and I cried my eyes out before he died,I'm not psychic but I knew these things and I was right.