LIVE: Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Answers Afterlife Questions

LIVE: Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Answers Afterlife Questions

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  1. My questions:
    1. Do all souls have to escape reincarnation and merge with God as fast as possible?
    2. What percentage of souls reincarnate?
    3. Are our spirit guides assigned to us or do they choose to help us?
    4. How does karma work in life-planning?
    5. If our souls can exist in many places/times at once, why do we keep waking up to the same lifetime?

  2. Me and my other half were driving to Everett Washington . We saw a UFO Moses Lake, saw a flying saucer, vwe thought it was a Comet falling from the sky and the it suddenly stopped and was Hovering in front of us for a couple of seconds and we got a good look at it and then it shot off really fast

  3. Love that Matt shares how spirit sheds negative emotions and that they come through to clear up things that happened here in the physical. That's what I always here from spirit. So interesting about loved ones getting used to a spirit body….

  4. The other day, coming home from work, I was at an intersection, to remind you it was a four way intersection. I was at a red light, watching the light, waiting for it to turn green, then all the sudden white butterfly flew in front of my car, I’ve never seen it before. Right away I knew it was my mother and father. ❤❤❤

  5. my wife passed 7 years ago and I felt her rubbing my feet which she did after I would come home from work this lasted for 3 yearsthen it got less and less the last two years I have felt nothing what might this be of course I fear the worst we fought her heart problem for 26 years of our 35 year marriageshe was on the transplant list had an LVAD for me she is my soul mate I am not sure I am hers